Page 20 of Breaking Point

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“I thought you said this building was impenetrable,” Zayde snarled.

“We need to get you two out of here.” Phoenix walked to a door. “Get inside.”

When Zayde and Denali finally made it over to the door, Zayde peeked inside. “You want us to get into a closet?”

Zayde was all for hiding, but a closet seemed like an obvious place. He also stopped himself from making a bad joke about never being in the closet in the first place.

“Just do it,” Phoenix said as the building shook again.

Denali pushed Zayde forward. “It’s how demons travel.”

“Wait.” Zayde looked at Phoenix. “You’re a demon?” He clutched Denali even harder. “I’m being helped by the same kind who is out there trying to get in?”

“There’s a huge difference between us,” Phoenix argued.

“How?” Zayde asked.

“I’m a demon warrior. I’m on the side of good. Now get into the closet, please.” It looked as if Phoenix was losing his patience, but Zayde didn’t care. Now he didn’t trust the guy. A demon? Really? Phoenix might not look like those creatures down below, but the guy was still a freaking demon.

Even so, he finally did as Phoenix asked when Denali gently pushed him forward. Then the demon joined them. It was pitch-black in the closet, and the next thing Zayde knew, he felt as if he was falling forward. He threw his arms out to stop himself, but when Phoenix opened the door, Zayde was still in the closet.

Only, things seemed different. It wasn’t empty, for one. The closet was filled with Zayde’s belongings. “I’m home?”

When Phoenix didn’t answer, Zayde looked around, but the guy was gone.

Zayde helped Denali to the couch but was unable to ease him down because his mate weighed a ton. Instead, Denali collapsed, shouted in pain, and then passed out.

Unsure what to do, Zayde called Denali’s boss. His mate had said that the sheriff was a bear shifter, and feeling helpless, Zayde didn’t know who else to call. He just hoped that Sheriff Harper would come up with some kind of plan to keep them safe until Denali was back on his feet.

Chapter Six

Zayde was relieved when Sheriff Harper arrived. He felt like it had taken hours instead of twenty minutes for the guy to show up. As soon as the sheriff got out of his car, Zayde threw the front door open. “He’s on the couch.”

“You didn’t tell me what’s going on,” Sheriff Harper said.

As best he could, Zayde filled the sheriff in. He didn’t know how it all started, how the demon had gotten his hands on his mate, but he told the sheriff about Panahasi coming to get him and what had taken place after that.

“I’ve never heard of anyone named Kalin,” the sheriff said. “Let me take a look at Denali.”

The bear shifter walked inside, and Zayde closed the door behind him. He tried to imagine the sheriff as a bear but couldn’t. He was still wrapping his mind around the fact that Denali was a lion shifter. He’d seen his mate in his lion form for all of two seconds, and honestly, he wanted to see it again.

Sheriff Harper peeled back Denali’s shirt then hissed. “Fuck,” he grumbled. “You said not even Phoenix could heal him?”

“No.” Zayde stood quietly for a moment, his arms wrapped around his stomach. His mate was back to being unconscious, and he had sweat beading his forehead. “I thought shifters couldn’t get sick. Why does he look like he’s running a fever?”

“There’re a few exceptions,” Sheriff Harper said. “Silver poisoning is a real thing. That could kill us in a high enough dose. I once heard of someone who’d had a magical collar put on him, and the only way to get it off was with the key. Supernatural things can harm us, and from what you told me, Denali was hurt with a fire whip by a demon.”

Zayde’s hope shrank. “So he’s screwed?”

“Let me make a phone call,” he said.

While the sheriff made his call, Zayde knelt by Denali. He brushed his hand over his mate’s sweaty forehead, praying Denali made it out of this alive.

Zayde screamed when a purple-haired man simply appeared in his living room.

“Oh good.” The stranger looked relieved. “I was hoping I wouldn’t materialize into a piece of furniture. I don’t know the layout of your house.”

Zayde stood there frozen, unsure what to say or do. “Who are you?”
