Page 22 of Breaking Point

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“Life? Like the one who created us all?”

“No.” Sheriff Harper shook his head. “I don’t think he created us. I just think…” The guy frowned. “Hell if I know. Let’s just say he’s an enigma and leave it at that.”

The more Zayde found out about Denali’s world, the more terrified he became. He’d jumped into the mating feet first, and now he wished he’d at least dipped a toe in the water before committing to this crazy world. But in his defense, he hadn’t known how insane Denali’s world was until it was too late.

* * * *

Denali felt as if his entire body had caught fire. He alternated between sweating like crazy and shivering. There were moments when he was lucid, and others where he was dreaming.

Dreaming of battling it out with Kalin and losing.

When he woke, the room was unfocused and his head spun. Denali was so thirsty his mouth felt like he’s swallowed a bucket of sand. “Water.”

Moments later, a glass touched his lips. Denali sat up as best he could, and then something pushed him up. There was no way Zayde could have done that.

“It’s Dominic,” his boss said. “Drink slowly. I don’t want you to choke.”

“Zayde,” Denali said after taking a sip.

“Right here,” his mate said. “How do you feel?”

Denali looked to his right and saw his mate standing there, looking worried. He hated that Zayde had been pulled into this, but was glad the guy hadn’t suffered at the hands of Kalin. Denali had barely survived the attack. Zayde wouldn’t stand a chance.

“Like crap.” Denali took several more sips until the inside of his mouth was wet, but the water did nothing to quench his thirst.

Dominic set the glass aside. “Can you give me some more details about what happened?”

Denali didn’t feel like talking, but he told Dominic and Zayde how Kalin had simply appeared in his bedroom and taken him to the demon realm. How the demon had whipped him, but Phoenix appearing had scared him off.

“That doesn’t make sense,” Dominic said. “From what Gage tells me, Kalin is too powerful. Why would a single demon warrior scare him?”

“I have no idea, but Kalin flattened me in seconds.” Normally Denali wouldn’t admit that someone had gotten the better of him, but there was no denying how powerful the demon truly was. “That fucking whip of his took me out.”

“Do you think his powers lie in that whip?” Zayde asked. “What if we can get it away from him? Do you guys think you can defeat him then?”

His lion roared for their mate, so Denali reached out and pulled Zayde to him, even though it hurt badly to have his mate against his body. But Denali needed to hold Zayde in his arms, to reassure himself that his human was safe.

“I’m pretty sure that whip is just a tool,” Dominic said. “All we can do is go on the offensive and pray Panahasi finds a way to defeat him.”

Dominic was an alpha bear, tough, and never ran from a fight. If he didn’t think they stood a chance, they were all fucked.

Chapter Seven

Zayde found himself pacing like crazy. He should have worn a hole in the rug by now. Denali was still out of it, and Sheriff Harper was in the kitchen on the phone with his mate. For now, Denali was sleeping peacefully, and Zayde hoped it stayed that way.

He also hoped like hell that Kalin didn’t show up here…or his army of demons.

Zayde jumped when someone knocked on his front door. Before he could answer it, Sheriff Harper was there, his gun in his hand as he waved Zayde away. Zayde wasn’t an idiot. He hurried over to his mate, ready to protect Denali any way he could, though he wasn’t sure how because he was just a human.

When the sheriff opened the door, Zayde was shocked to see Panahasi on the other side. The guy simply walked in, no greeting to anyone. He moved to the couch, pressed a hand to Denali’s chest, and then a soft blue light began to radiate from his hand.

“What’re you doing?” Zayde asked. He’d never seen anything like that before, and wasn’t sure what Panahasi was doing to Denali.

“What I should have done before I went to see the Keeper,” Panahasi said. “I shouldn’t have been so concerned with Kalin’s escape. I was single-focused on one thing.”

Zayde had no idea who or what a keeper was. Keeper of what? “But that still doesn’t tell me what you’re doing to my mate.”

“Reversing what Kalin did.” Panahasi’s jaw was set, his brows were furrowed, and his lips were pressed together as he stared down at Denali.
