Page 26 of Breaking Point

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Zayde looked over the menu. “Give me some country fried steak, French fries, and a Coke.”

“Coming right up,” Gage said with a huge smile before he walked away.

Zayde leaned closer to the table and whispered, “Are you sure we should be out in public? What if Kalin attacks when there’re people around?”

“We deal with it if it happens,” Denali said. “We aren’t going to stay barricaded in the house, hon.” He held up a hand when it looked as if Zayde would protest. “We have Roman, who’s a snow leopard. Sheriff Harper is a bear shifter, and all we have to do is shout Panahasi’s name. Besides, staying in the house for the last two days was driving me crazy.”

Denali was used to being active, working or running in the woods in his lion form. Although he’d thoroughly enjoyed having sex with Zayde on every flat surface, he needed to get out. He could also tell that sitting around the house had been driving Zayde crazy, too.

“I just feel exposed,” Zayde said as he looked around.

“Babe, relax,” Denali said. “Come sit on my side and I can try to swallow your tongue.”

Zayde grimaced. “It does look like Sheriff Harper is trying to suck Julian’s face off.”

Denali chuckled. “No public displays of affection for you?”

“If I come over to your side of the booth, I’m doing more than sucking face.”

Damn. Denali loved that his mate desired him that much. He felt the same way. If Zayde came over to his side, Denali just might toss his mate onto the table and fuck him in front of everyone.

He’d never wanted someone so badly in his life. Just hearing Zayde sigh or even look his way and Denali was ready to go. Too bad Zayde’s boss was human, or they’d have the next two weeks to themselves.

Honestly, Denali was tempted to ask Zayde to quit his job just so they could have their honeymoon period. But Denali wasn’t that selfish. Zayde had gone to school for his profession, and Denali wouldn’t take that away from his mate.

But he was tempted.

“Okay,” Gage said when he came back to the table, two plates in his hands. “One spaghetti and one fish.” He set the plates down.

Denali frowned. “I thought you said you had a good memory.”

Gage looked at the plates and then at Denali. “Crap. This was for table four. Do you know which is table four?”

Roman came over, took the plates, and walked over to a table toward the back.

“This is why I serve barbeque,” Gage said. “It’s less complicated.” He sat next to Zayde. “So, do you want to be in our super-secret club?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Zayde said. “What club?”

“If I told you, I’d have to kill Denali. I just said it’s super-secret.” Gage looked dead serious then burst out laughing. “I’m kidding!”

Zayde looked at Denali as if he wasn’t sure how to react. Denali wasn’t either. He didn’t know Gage well.

“I have four best friends,” Gage went on, as if he hadn’t seen Zayde and Denali exchanging looks. “Julian, Drake, Elijah, and Tido. We’d love to have you hang out with us sometime.”

So far, Zayde hadn’t mentioned any friends. Did his mate have any? Did he need some? “I think that’s a great idea,” Denali said. “After this fiasco is over.”

“Right, because none of us mates want Kalin to attack us. Tido and Drake are human, like you, Zayde, but they’re not mates and don’t know about the preternatural world. So when we hang out, keep that to yourself.”

“Um, okay?” Zayde squirmed a bit, but Gage didn’t seem to notice.

“Well, I’m going to get back to screwing up orders.” Gage stood. “Steak and…” He frowned. “To hell with trying to remember. Clearly my mind isn’t as sharp as I thought it was.”

When he walked away, Denali looked over at Zayde. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” Zayde nodded. “He’s just a bit overwhelming. I’ve never had anyone ask me to join a club.”

Denali smiled. “I think he was teasing about that part.”
