Page 27 of Breaking Point

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When Julian finally stopped molesting Dominic’s mouth and got back to work, he brought their plates, and to Denali’s surprise, the order was right.

“Roman heard what you guys wanted,” Julian said. “Gage tried to say you two wanted meatballs and fried steak.”

It was Zayde who chuckled this time. “Glad Roman heard us. I’ve never had my steak fried before.”

“I’m not fond of meatballs,” Denali said.

“You’re not?” Zayde asked.

“Nope. They just seem weird to me.” He shuddered. “Let’s eat up. We have other places to go.”

They dug in, and damn, Denali just loved Roman’s cooking.

* * * *

Zayde was not looking forward to talking with his boss. Although Dr. Bell was a nice guy, he was a stickler for the rules. Zayde had missed work. He hadn’t called, either.

When he walked into the clinic, Zayde knew he was in trouble. The look Marissa gave him said to run and hide. Unfortunately, Zayde wasn’t one to run, so he braced himself as he walked to Dr. Bell’s office.

“Come in,” Dr. Bell said when Zayde knocked on his open door.

Maybe he shouldn’t have made Denali wait in the car. Zayde could sure use his support right about now.

Dr. Bell looked up, and then he pursed his lips. Then he poked his tongue into his cheek as he sighed. “Explain to me why I had to do my job and yours yesterday and today.”

Zayde had come up with an excuse last night, but for the life of him, he couldn’t remember what it was. He felt like a heel lying to his boss, but there was no way he could tell him the truth. Dr. Bell would think Zayde was insane if he did.

“It was a family emergency.” Zayde twisted his hands in front of him then forced himself to stop fidgeting. “I’m sorry I didn’t call, Dr. Bell. Thing got crazy, and…well…”

His boss sat forward. To be honest, the guy didn’t look like a vet. He was short, skinny, and seemed like he’d be more at home in a dance club as a twink gyrating to the deep beats. He had more of a baby face than that of a professional.

“The day you started here you read my rules and agreed to them,” Dr. Bell said. “One of those rules was showing up on time. If an emergency came up, which they do, you should have called.”

Zayde was sweating bullets. He didn’t want to be fired. He loved his job, but from the stern look on Dr. Bell’s face, Zayde wasn’t confident he would walk out with his job intact.

“I promise it won’t happen again,” Zayde said. “I’ve been here for six months and haven’t missed a day. I’ve worked overtime and have done things that weren’t in my job description.”

Maybe he shouldn’t have said that last part. It sounded as if he was throwing that in his boss’s face.

Dr. Bell sat back. “That’s the only reason I’m not firing you, Zayde. You’re a hard worker and always on time. I want you back here tomorrow, understood?”

Relief flooded Zayde. “Yes, sir.”

When Dr. Bell looked at his computer, Zayde knew he was being dismissed. He walked out and went straight for the kennel where the animals were kept.

Dixon was still there. Now Zayde was worried. He was sure the dog was being abused, but it wasn’t like his owner to leave him at the clinic for this long. Dr. Bell charged boarding fees when animals had to stay overnight, and Mr. Alvis was going to pay a whopping bill by the time he retrieved Dixon.

A small part of Zayde hoped the guy never showed up. If Mr. Alvis abandoned Dixon, Zayde would adopt the dog right away. With Dr. Bell’s permission. He wasn’t even sure how that worked since no one had ever left their pet this long.

At least not in the six months Zayde worked there.

“Hey, boy.” Zayde opened the cage, and Dixon ran to him, nearly knocking Zayde over when he jumped at him. “Someone’s happy to see me.”

Zayde laughed as he petted Dixon. He had a soft spot for the dachshund. How are you today, buddy?”

Dixon licked Zayde’s face, his tail wagging so fast it should have propelled him off the floor and into the air. Zayde got up and retrieved the box of dog biscuits from on top of a cabinet. Dixon ran in circles, uninhibited by his tiny cast, until Zayde gave him one.

“Okay, you eat that, but then I have to put you back in your cage. I have to go, but I promise I’ll see you tomorrow.”
