Page 28 of Breaking Point

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Zayde placed the box of dog treats back on the cabinet, wrangled Dixon back inside the cage, and then washed his hands before he headed up front.

He was going to ask Dr. Bell about Mr. Alvis. If the guy no longer wanted Dixon, then Zayde would gladly take him.

“How bad?” Marissa asked. “I really don’t want to break in a new tech.”

She was the sweetest thing. “He only chewed half of my ass.”

Marissa appeared relieved. “So you’re good?”

She was referring to his job, but Zayde didn’t tell her how not good he was with demons after Denali. “Yep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Marissa waved him away as Zayde headed for the entrance. One crisis averted. At least Denali didn’t have to worry about not showing up for work. His boss already knew what was going on and gave Denali leeway. Too bad everyone in the world wasn’t that understanding.

Zayde shoved his hands in his pockets and glanced up at the sky. Mostly clear. Only a few clouds. But he knew what lurked out there. Demons.

That wasn’t a comforting thought.

He reached the car and opened the door before he slid into the driver’s seat. “So?” Denali asked.

“I didn’t get fired.”

“Glad to hear it.” Denali leaned forward so Zayde saw his face. “You okay?”

Zayde nodded. “Yeah. Do you still want to go to the station?”

“Yes.” Denali leaned back. “After that, I’d like to go to my place and get my car.”

Zayde arched a brow. “You don’t like me chauffeuring you around?”

True, Denali’s car was a lot more expensive and really nice, but Zayde liked his own car, too.

“What can I say?” Denali shrugged as he smiled at Zayde. “I like being in control.”

“And having little ‘ole me drive you around is making you crazy.”

“I didn’t say that.” Denali looked at him, as if worried Zayde would take offense to his statement. He didn’t. Zayde liked when Denali was in control, especially considering demons were after them. The guy could have all the control, as far as Zayde was concerned.

As Zayde drove to the police station, he told Denali about Dixon.

“Maybe I can have one of the deputies do a wellness check,” Denali suggested. “It’s odd that someone cared enough to bring their pet in when it’s injured but has left him there for so long.”

“I agree.” Zayde slid into a parking space on the side of the station. He’d been in Midnight Falls for six months but had never been inside. Zayde never had a reason to go to the station.

“You’re coming inside,” Denali said. “I’m not leaving my mate unprotected outside.”

Great. Now Zayde was nervous about meeting Denali’s coworkers. None of them were human, either. Not that that mattered, but still…

Chapter Nine

Zayde did not want to be back at work. All morning he’d missed Denali and was seconds away from leaving just so he could be with his mate.

That wasn’t like him. Zayde was a responsible person and loved his job. He would just have to push through the day until he could see Denali again.

“Someone has it bad,” Marissa said as she entered the room where Zayde was giving an all-black cat a bath, which the cat hated. It kept trying to get away, hissing at Zayde.

“Socks?” Zayde asked. “Yeah, he keeps trying to run away.”

“No, silly. I’m talking about you.” She grabbed the towel from the table and held it as Zayde deposited the cat into her arms. “I’ve never seen you so distracted. Someone has a certain deputy on the brain.”
