Page 30 of Breaking Point

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Mr. Alvis glared at him, his eyes so cold that Zayde shivered. “I’ll be taking Dixon with me today, and I’ll be filing a complaint with the sheriff’s department. This is ridiculous.”

And with that, Mr. Alvis yanked Dixon’s leash as he walked toward the exit. Dixon tried to pull back, yanking against his leash, and that was when Mr. Alvis pulled the leash up, almost hanging Dixon.

Oh hell no! Zayde ran toward the guy and jerked the leash from Mr. Alvis’s hand. “You’re not taking him anywhere!”

There was no way in hell he was letting the bastard take Dixon with him. It was evident how cruel he was toward his own dog, and if no one stepped in, Dixon would go home with this monster. Zayde didn’t want to think of the poor dog’s life if no one intervened.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Mr. Alvis took a step toward Zayde, his shoulders pulled back, as if he was about to beat Zayde into the floor.

Then the front door opened, and Denali stepped inside, looking handsome as hell in his uniform.

Mr. Alvis didn’t see the deputy walk in, or didn’t care, as he took another step toward Zayde. “You have five seconds to give me back the leash, or I’ll make you regret coming to work today,” Mr. Alvis sneered.

Honestly, since being chased by demons, Zayde wasn’t so afraid of humans. He wasn’t an idiot and knew his species could be just as, if not more, monstrous than demons and shifters, but that fear just wasn’t as great as it had once been.

“The only regret I have is that you ever became a pet parent,” Zayde bit out. “You don’t deserve Dixon.”

When Mr. Alvis raised his arm, Denali grabbed the arm and pulled the guy back. “I wouldn’t suggest assaulting him,” Denali warned.

Zayde’s brows shot up when Mr. Alvis tried to swing on Denali. Holy crap! Denali put the guy down so fast that Zayde’s head spun. Denali had his knee in Mr. Alvis’s back, holding the man’s hands behind his back.

“Assaulting a police officer.” Denali shook his head. “Not a smart move.” He cuffed Mr. Alvis then pulled him up from the floor. Zayde held on to the leash as if his life depended on it.

It was Dixon’s life who depended on it. Zayde wasn’t going to let the cute little dachshund get hurt.

“What happened?” Denali asked.

“He was upset over his bill,” Dr. Bell said. “He started yelling at me that he wasn’t going to pay because it was extortion.”

“He yanked Dixon around,” Zayde said heatedly. “He nearly choked the poor dog when he pulled the leash up.” He glared at Mr. Alvis. “You should be ashamed of yourself for how you’ve treated Dixon.”

“It’s a fucking animal,” Mr. Alvis argued. “They don’t have feelings, moron.”

Zayde was taken aback. It was truly sad and disgusting that people thought of animals that way. “They have feelings, Mr. Alvis. Dixon has more love in his tiny paw than you have in your entire body.”

Mr. Alvis scowled at him. “Then he’s all yours. And since he’s yours, you pay his fucking bill.”

Denali moved close to Mr. Alvis, and it was evident on his face that he was downright pissed. He should be, considering he was an animal. A proud lion that made Zayde’s heart swell.

“If I ever see you with another pet, I’ll show you firsthand what cruelty really is.”

“Are you threatening me?” Mr. Alvis snarled.

“I didn’t hear a thing.” Marissa crossed her arms and glared at the guy.

“I must be going deaf,” Dr. Bell said. “I think I need to look into getting a hearing aid. What was that you said?”

Zayde smirked, and then stared angrily at Mr. Alvis. “I’ll pay Dixon’s bill. Don’t ever come near him again.”

Even if Zayde had to dip into his savings, he’d pay the bill. The dog was hiding behind Zayde’s leg, and the fear in the dog’s eyes made Zayde want to slug the bastard.

“Everyone heard Mr. Alvis relinquish Dixon to me, right?” Zayde asked.

“Yep,” Mariss said.

“I can suddenly hear again.” Dr. Bell nodded. “Heard that loud and clear. Dixon is all yours.”

“He said it in front of a cop,” Denali said. “Dixon is all yours.”
