Page 35 of Breaking Point

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This had to be Kalin.

“Denali should have never let his guard down.” Kalin snapped his fingers, and a whip made of fire appeared. “He should have never left you alone and vulnerable.”

“Denali!” Zayde screamed before he felt his throat tightening. He couldn’t get a sound out.

Kalin tsked. “No screaming for help, although I do want Denali to come to me.”

Zayde thought about Panahasi, but since he couldn’t talk, he couldn’t scream for him. Now Zayde regretted yelling for his mate because Denali was who Kalin really wanted.

He stared at the whip, and his anger mounted. That was the whip that nearly killed Denali. Zayde wanted to take it out of Kalin’s hands so badly he could feel his hands itching.

The pressure in Zayde’s throat eased.

“Yell for Denali again,” Kalin demanded. “As soon as I kill him, I’ll take care of the others. They’ll pay for killing Ernan.”

Zayde threw his head back and shouted, “Panahasi!”

Kalin snarled as he snapped the whip at Zayde, but Zayde jumped out of the way, grabbing Chloe as he raced through the water. If the whip had affected Denali in such a horrific way, Zayde didn’t stand a chance.

No way was he letting Kalin touch him with that thing.

Zayde didn’t stop running until he saw the lion and Dixon. Both were running toward him, though Denali was running faster, leaving Dixon behind.

His mate shifted as soon as he reached Zayde. “What’s wrong?”

Fuck. Zayde was panting like crazy, and he had a stitch in his side. He waved his hand behind him. “Kalin.”

Denali narrowed his eyes. “Stay here with Dixon and Chloe.”

“Are you nuts?” Zayde managed to say between gasps for air. He waited a few seconds until his breath calmed down. “You can’t face him. Look what he did to you last time.”

“This time that whip isn’t getting anywhere near me.”

“Famous last words,” Zayde argued. And where in the hell was Panahasi?

Zayde shouted for him again, but Panahasi didn’t show. It looked like they were on their own. Not a comforting thought.

When Denali snarled, Zayde looked behind him and saw Kalin heading their way. He walked slowly, as if this was a game to him. The bastard wore a smug smile as he snapped the whip again, the fire reaching out into the air like a hissing snake.

It was a spine-tingling sound. Zayde shuddered.

Denali stepped in front of him, snarling at Kalin. The gesture made Zayde’s heart swell.

The lion shifter was determined to protect him, no matter the cost. But Zayde wasn’t going to let his mate face off with a whip-wielding demon. Denali had to be insane.

“I told you before,” Denali growled, “that Ernan was sucking out souls. He left us no choice.”

“Then you should have let him take your retched soul.” Kalin snapped the whip again, and even from thirty feet away, Zayde felt the heat. “All of you should have let him instead of taking Ernan’s life.”

Denali rolled his head from one side to the other, and Zayde heard his vertebra crack. “How about I send you to hell to be with him?”

If only Zayde could get that whip away from Kalin. But one, Kalin was a demon. Two, the whip was on fire, and Zayde doubted he could even touch it without hurting himself.

A thought popped into Zayde’s mind. It was worth a try. “Gage!”

Gage shimmered in. “I know we’re besties now, and I only came because I recognized your voice, but next time try calling me on the phone.”

Zayde pointed behind the guy.
