Page 36 of Breaking Point

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Gage turned then fell on his ass. He looked up at Zayde. “Did you seriously just summon me to fight that creature!”

That wasn’t the reaction Zayde had been hoping for. “Can you get us out of here?” He rolled his hands. “You know, pop all of us out like you pop in and out?”

Just as Gage reached for Zayde, the whip cracked again, slicing across Gage’s back. Gage screamed as he collapsed to the ground, writhing in agony.

Kalin laughed. “Thank you for bringing me a Seelie.”

Hope blossomed in Zayde when he saw not only Panahasi behind Kalin but at least a dozen other men. All of them were fucking huge, like mountains.

“Thank you for bringing me a demon,” Panahasi said to Zayde.

Kalin spun then cracked his whip, only it didn’t reach any of the men.

“Demon warriors,” Denali said.

Zayde knelt down beside Gage, guilt eating away at him that he’d gotten the guy not only involved but hurt. “I’m sorry, Gage. My intentions weren’t to get you whipped. I was hoping you could get us out of here.”

“I want my mate,” Gage whimpered.

“Hold tight.” Zayde pulled Gage up and cradled him in his arms. “Panahasi will heal you as soon as he kills Kalin.”

Zayde hoped the demon warriors smashed Kalin under their feet like an unwanted bug.

“Roman,” Gage gasped. “I want my Roman.”

Gage waved his hand, though his features were pinched, and the guy who owned Deep Dish appeared. He took one look around and then down at Gage.

“What the fuck happened?” Roman dropped to his knees and pulled Gage into his arms. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“Kalin.” Zayde pointed at the demon who was surrounded by the demon warriors. “He did this.”

Zayde’s jaw dropped when he saw one guy burst into flames, though he wasn’t writhing in agony. Another lifted his arms, and the wind picked up, gusting so hard that Kalin fought not to fly backward. Another duplicated himself ten times.

But it was Panahasi who scared Zayde the most. One minute he was himself, and the next moment, leathery wings shot out. Talons as sharp as the finest blades grew until they were twelve inches long. A row of deadly teeth emerged, and his skin turned crimson as a tail grew four feet in length. Horns burst from his scalp, his body contorting into something that scared the hell out of Zayde.

“Holy shit!” Roman and Denali said at the same time.

Even Gage, in as much pain as he was, turned his head to see.

What in the fuck was Panahasi? If Zayde had feared him before, that was nothing compared to how terrified he was of the man now.

He was afraid of all the demon warriors as they battled Kalin.

Even Chloe and Dixon watched, as if fascinated by the scene.

Another guy appeared. He had long, flowing hair and the darkest eyes Zayde had ever seen. Then…was that a scythe in his hand?

“Fuck. It’s Jaden,” Denali said.

“Who?” Zayde asked.

“Death,” Roman said. “He must have felt that Panahasi was in danger. From what I heard, those two are brothers.”

That made sense to Zayde. If Panahasi was Life, then, of course, Jaden would be Death, and it also made sense they would be brothers. But to actually see Death in the flesh made Zayde take a step back.

Jaden swung his scythe, and the blade slashed the whip, rending it useless. As the whip part fell to the ground, the fire extinguished.

“No!” Kalin shouted as he spun, glaring at Jaden.
