Page 4 of Breaking Point

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Denali chuckled. “What do cops look like?”

“I don’t know. More like… I don’t know. Less cool?” Zayde winced at how stupid he sounded.

But Denali just laughed. “Well, I fit all the requirements. I’m an expert at shooting and handcuffing bad guys.”

Zayde grinned, feeling charmed by Denali’s confidence. “I bet you are.”

They lapsed into a comfortable silence for a moment, Zayde sipping his drink while stealing glances at Denali. The guy was so attractive it almost hurt to look at him. Zayde felt like he was in over his head, like he couldn’t possibly keep up with someone like Denali.

But then again, Denali had invited him out here, and the deputy seemed genuinely interested in getting to know him.

As they finished their desserts, Zayde saw more people coming outside. There went their cozy intimacy.

“So, do we end this with coffee, or do you want to kick it up a notch?” Denali asked.

Zayde had no idea what that meant, but he hoped like hell Denali wasn’t suggesting they head back to his place for sex. Zayde was digging on the guy, but he liked to take things slow. “I don’t understand.”

“Dinner,” Denali said. “That is if you can stand to be around me for another hour.”

Relieved, Zayde chuckled. “I don’t know,” he teased. “You’ve already started off with dessert. You’re doing this backward.”

That damn smile was going to be Zayde’s undoing. It was like Denali knew exactly how to make him weak in the knees with just a simple expression. “I like to mix things up,” he said, standing up and offering Zayde his hand. “Dinner it is. My treat.”

Zayde took Denali’s hand, feeling an electric jolt shoot up his arm. He stood up, straightening his shirt nervously. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

After Denali paid their tab with Ajax, they walked out of the café and onto the street, the warm evening air enveloping them. “Where do you want to eat?”

“Deep Dish?” Denali said, “or do you want to go to Fearless Fox for wings instead?”

“This town really needs more choices in food,” Zayde said. “I’ve been here six months, and those are basically the only two places in town to eat.”

“Wild Tiger Barbeque,” Denali said. “Have you been there?”

Zayde’s brows shot up. “Uh, no. There’s a barbeque place here?”

“Oh my god. Am I about to introduce you to Mason’s cooking?” Denali pressed a hand to his stomach as he laughed. “If you thought Ajax’s desserts were amazing, get ready to have an orgasm in your mouth.”

With a recommendation like that, how could Zayde refuse?

Chapter Two

“Oh my god. You were right. I don’t think I can eat another bite,” Zayde said as Denali drove them back to town so Zayde could retrieve his car. He didn’t want this night to end. Zayde couldn’t recall when he’d had a better time.

“I’m surprised I never saw you at the vet clinic before today,” Denali said. “Then again, I haven’t been there since Chloe’s last checkup. Chloe is in pretty good health, except for this recent behavior change.”

Zayde could tell that Denali was worried about his cat. He’d left her at the clinic, and Dr. Bell would take good care of her, but Zayde understood the concern. He was still worried about Dixon. “I’m sure it’s something simple,” Zayde said.

“I’m sure you’re right. I’ve had her since she was a kitten, and I’m attached to her.”

Zayde smiled, feeling a warmth spread through his chest at seeing how much Denali cared for his pet. “I understand that. It’s hard not to get attached.”

Denali nodded, his eyes focused on the road. Zayde kept stealing glances at him, trying to memorize the line of his jaw and the way his hair fell over his forehead. It was like he was seeing Denali for the first time, really seeing him, and the more he saw, the harder it was to resist.

“You know,” Zayde said, his voice a little shaky, “I had a great time tonight. Thank you for taking me out.”

Denali smiled, his eyes flickering to meet Zayde’s for just a moment. “I had a great time too. I hope we can do it again soon.”

Zayde’s heart skipped a beat. “I’d like that.”
