Page 6 of Breaking Point

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“I’ll call you when I get off of work.”

“I’ll be coming by the clinic tomorrow to check on Chloe.”

“Oh, right!” Zayde took a step back then bumped into his car. He turned, trying to grip the handle. “Tomorrow. Is there anything in particular you want for dinner?”

Denali stepped into Zayde’s space, their lips inches away. “You.”

* * * *

Denali wasn’t trying to be aggressive with his mate, but damn. Zayde had ignited in an instant, and Denali was still feeling the effects. His lion was in agreement but was pissed that Denali hadn’t claimed their mate already.

Mate. Denali was still blown away that Zayde was his. His mate had been in Midnight Falls, and Denali hadn’t even known it. His little human vet tech, with a head full of silky brunet hair and the most amazing green eyes he’d ever seen. Denali also towered over the guy, which turned him on.

“Me?” Zayde squeaked.

With a chuckle, Denali tapped his mate on his nose. “Anything you cook is fine, handsome. I’m not a picky eater.”

“Right.” Zayde nodded but had yet to move. So Denali took a step back, allowing his mate to escape…for now.

Zayde opened the door but turned his head to face Denali. “I really had a great time.”

Denali couldn’t stop touching the human. He caressed Zayde’s cheek. “So did I. Let’s see if we can top today.”

This time Zayde smiled. “Challenge accepted.”

If the guy only knew that Denali lived for challenges. He took a few more steps back as Zayde got into his car then drove away.

Tomorrow was going to be very interesting.

* * * *

All morning Denali had been trying to get to the vet clinic to check on Chloe and see his mate, but it was as if the universe was conspiring against him. It was one call after the other, keeping him busy at work. So far, he’d had three traffic stops, one domestic situation, one car theft, and now he was on the outskirts of town with his fellow officers battling a demon of all things.

Thank fuck they were in a rural area where there weren’t too many homes, which meant not so many witnesses.

What Denali wouldn’t give to have a demon warrior live in Midnight Falls. That would have come in handy and probably ended this issue a lot sooner. Unfortunately, it was just shifters trying to take the soul-sucker down.

And it was a soul-sucker. Denali had answered a call from a woman who’d needed the police. By the time he’d arrived, the demon was already bent over her, the woman’s soul sucked out, leaving behind a husk of a person.

The demon had fled, but Denali had trapped him in this empty farmhouse. He’d called in backup, and so far, they were at a standoff. No one wanted to go in, and the demon refused to come out.

“It’s been over an hour,” Sheriff Harper said. “I’m done waiting.” He threw his head back and shouted Hondo’s name. Denali always forgot about that trick. Hondo, one of the demon warriors, appeared next to Harper.

“You know, there are other demon warriors you guys can call when in a bind,” the warrior said. “I was just about to get it on with my mate. Talk about a mood killer.”

Everyone on the force in Midnight Falls was pretty damn tall, but Denali had to look up at the six-nine warrior just to see his face. He had raven-black hair and ox-blood-red eyes that always freaked out Denali whenever he saw them.

Hondo could also burst into flames. The flames never hurt the demon warrior, but the shifters there had plenty to worry about if they accidentally got caught in the crossfire. The guy was also wrapped in muscles that popped and flexed with the tiniest of movements.

Sheriff Harper pointed at the farmhouse. “Got one of yours here.”

Hondo looked at the house. “What kind are you talking? We have a lot of kinds in the demon realm.”

“Soul sucking,” Harper said. “He already got one victim. Human female.”

Hondo’s features darkened. “You’ll have to give her to me when this is done. We can’t let her walk around your realm like that.”

Denali had no idea what Hondo meant. When he’d seen the woman, she was staring empty-eyed at nothing. How could she walk around without a soul?
