Page 9 of Breaking Point

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“No.” Denali watched his mate carefully, waiting for any sign that he was going to have a meltdown.

“You’re being vague,” Zayde said. “That tells me the answer is going to shock me. I hate to tell you this, but I’m already in a state of shock.”

With a sigh, Denali said, “Our numbers aren’t as great as the human population, but we do number in the millions.”

Zayde collapsed into the chair at the table, scrubbing his hands over his head. “Did that demon escape from hell?”

“He came from the demon realm, which isn’t the same as Hell.” Denali sat next to his mate, wanting to keep at Zayde’s eye level. He could already see that Zayde was struggling with this and wanted to answer all his questions, but he also wanted to make sure that the human wasn’t too overwhelmed. “There are other realms out there, not just the human world. The preternatural world exists alongside it.”

Zayde shook his head. “I feel like I’m in a bad sci-fi movie.”

“Or you could view it as a good sci-fi movie,” Denali joked.

Zayde glared at him. “You’re not helping.”

“I know this is a lot to take in, Zayde. But I’m here to help you understand and to keep you safe.”

“Safe?” Zayde looked up at him, his eyes wide. “Is there something I should be worried about? I work at a vet clinic. How could I be in danger?”

Denali hesitated, wondering how much he should tell his mate. There were dangers in the preternatural world, and now that Zayde was involved, those dangers had become a lot more personal.

“Demons don’t just attack our kind. They attack humans too. And as my mate, you’re even more vulnerable.” Denali felt a possessive growl deep in his chest at the thought of anyone hurting his mate.

Zayde frowned. “Mate?”

This was where things would get complicated for Zayde. Denali sighed. “Fate handpicked you for me,” he said. “Every preternatural has a mate, Zayde. We know it by what’s called the pull. This feeling in the middle of our chest, this insane attraction toward another person, a feeling of being connected that goes beyond explanation.”

“And you felt that with me?”

Didn’t Zayde feel it too, or was he in so much shock that he didn’t realize he was feeling it? Denali placed his palm on Zayde’s chest, loving how he could freely touch his mate. “Do you feel it here? The connection between us?”

“What I feel is horny.” Zayde slapped a hand over his mouth as his brows shot to his hairline. “I mean…”

Denali chuckled. “It’s okay. That’s part of it, too. The intense sexual attraction.”

Zayde got up, made two cups of coffee, set them on the table, and then went for the cream and sugar, setting them down as well. After he poured half the sugar container into his cup, he took a sip. “I’m trying to grasp everything you’re telling me.”

“You’re taking it quite well.” Denali preferred his coffee black, so he just took a sip of his without adding all the other stuff.

“I’m a pretty levelheaded guy. I don’t freak out first then examine things in my head.” Zayde set his cup down.

“There are advantages to being my mate.”

One of Zayde’s brows rose. “Like what?”

“You’ll never get sick from human diseases, and you’ll live as long as I do. You’ll also heal from injuries a lot faster.”

“Shut the front door!” Zayde gaped at him. “That’s a perk, considering heart diseases runs in my family, as well as the big C word.”

Denali frowned.

“Cancer,” Zayde filled in for him. “An uncle of mine died from prostate cancer.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Denali couldn’t imagine going through something like that.

“Thanks. I was a little kid when it happened, so I really didn’t know him. My mom battled and won the fight against breast cancer. I also had an aunt who lost that battle.” He shrugged. “It seems cancer has it out for my family, and honestly, I thought I would fall victim to the disease, too.”

“I’m sorry your family has gone through such loss.” Denali reached out and took Zayde’s hand. His mate didn’t pull away. “I’m glad to hear your mom is going to be fine.”
