Page 20 of Saved By Love

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Hedidwarn me that it would be hard for him to have another woman in his home, and I was willing to be patient with him. I said a quick prayer while I cleaned the kitchen that God would help Aiden adjust to the new change of me being there.

And also asked if He could make Aiden stop looking at me the way he did occasionally. It didn’t creep me out; it was quite the opposite. My body warmed under his gaze, even as my heart broke for him at the same time.

Despite that, it was hard not to notice how cold he was toward me when he got home last night, and I wasn’t sure why. I made a mental note to ask him this morning if I’d done something he wasn’t happy about, so I knew not to do it again.

After flipping two small pancakes, I placed them onto a plate. Cutting a small pat of butter, I spread it over each one and thenhanded Hadley a few more strawberries to sprinkle onto each pancake.

“There, now it’s ready for syrup. Want me to pour it?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yes, please.”

Hadley seemed very mature for her age, and I could tell Aiden had done a great job teaching her manners. Every now and then, she would pronounce her Rs and Ls like a W, and it was utterly adorable. I noticed Aiden would correct her most of the time, but not always.

With a bit of syrup poured onto each pancake, I let Hadley eat while I finished packing her lunch, and also one for Aiden, though I’d yet to see?—

“Good morning, pumpkin.”

Aiden’s voice caused me to jump…and Hadley to laugh at my reaction.

“Morning, Daddy!”

I smiled as Aiden kissed his daughter on the forehead then glanced at her pancakes.

“Would you like me to make you some?” I asked.

He looked at me, confused. “How did you get her up so early?”

“I just woke her up when I was told to. Your mother sent me a text letting me know Hadley’s morning schedule and what time she needed to be at school.”

A look of guilt washed over his face. “I guess that should have been me telling you that last night. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

“No worries. We got it sorted out,” I replied with another friendly smile and a one-shoulder shrug.

My smile faded when he frowned at me. What in the world was I doing wrong this time?

“Pancake?” I asked again, pointing to the batter.

He looked at it and frowned harder. “No, thank you. I need to get going.”

Hadley stood on the island stool and wrapped her arms around her father. “I love you to the moon and back, Daddy! Be careful.”

Oh dear…melt my heart, would you?

Aiden hugged her close, then kissed her on the cheek. “I love you to the moon and back too, pumpkin. You have a good day today, and I’ll see you when I get home from work.”

“Okay. Emma and I are going to make you a surprise dinner!”

He smiled at her warmly, his gaze flicking my way. “Is that so?”

I nodded. “Hadley got to pick the dinner for tonight.”

Aiden quickly looked away from me and back down to his daughter. “I can’t wait to find out what it is.”

Hadley giggled as he placed her back on the stool. “Eat up, pumpkin. Have a good day at school.”

“Bye, Daddy!”

Aiden grabbed his keys and turned to me, offering an awkward smile. “Have a good day, Emma.” Then he quickly made his way out the door.
