Page 3 of Saved By Love

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“Just like that?” he stated with a laugh.

“Just like that,” I repeated. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with a salesman who thought a woman didn’t know anything about cars. I’d researched SUVs and I knew what I wanted.

“Do you want to test drive it?”

I shook my head. “No, I already have back in Texas. I know what model I want as well, and I spoke with your sales manager, Nick, who assured me you had one on the lot.”

He drew his head back in surprise. “You spoke with Nick already?”

“I did. If you could let him know Emma Middleton is here, I would appreciate it.”

Rubbing at the back of his neck, looking bemused, he nodded, then motioned for me to follow him.

He took me inside and down a hall and knocked on the window of an office. A good-looking gentleman with brown hair and dark brown eyes glanced up.

“Nick, this is Emma Middleton. She said she spoke to you about a Honda Pilot?”

A wide smile appeared as Nick stood. “Emma, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person.” He turned to the salesman. “Thank you, Robert. I’ve got it from here.”

The salesman, Robert, still looked confused, but walked out of the office and shut the door behind him.

“Thank you so much for doing this, Nick.”

“It’s my pleasure. It’s not every day your grandmother calls you up and tells you to help out her neighbor who’s moving to Colorado and wants to buy a car sight unseen.”

I smiled. “Not really sight unseen. You sent me pictures.”

He tossed his head back and laughed. “I did. I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow.”

“I decided it would be best to take care of it today and head on up to Estes Park.”

With a nod, he pulled out a file. “It’s all ready to go. If you have the cashier’s check, I’ll get the paperwork finished and you’ll be ready to drive on out of here.”

My hands shook slightly as I pulled out the envelope I’d gotten from the bank. Five years of tucking money away, plus the inheritance and sale of my mother’s house, and I had plenty of money to buy the car outright and still have some left over in case I wasn’t able to find a job right away. I never wanted to be in debt to anyone.

Never. Again.

He gave me a knowing look, and I wondered how much Elaine had told him about me. By the pity in his eyes, I would guess everything.

Nick glanced at the paperwork, then back up at me. “It’s none of my business, Emma…but my grandmother did tell me a little bit about your situation. Does your ex-husband know you’re in Colorado?”

I shook my head. “No. He doesn’t.”

“Is the cashier’s check a way to keep him from tracking you down?”

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nodded. “One reason. I also didn’t want to carry around that much money.”

“I can understand that.” He reached over and took his business card and handed it to me, lowering his voice. “If youever need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out. My father was abusive to my mother, and I grew up having to watch. I hate him to this day for the things he did to her and to our family. I guess what I’m saying is, if you need someone to talk to…”

His voice trailed off, and I fought to keep the tears at bay.

“Thank you, Nick.” I took the business card and slipped it into my purse.

“Ready to get your wheels and get on out of here?”

A light chuckle slipped free. “I am.”

“Let me make sure they have it ready to go. It should be, but I want to confirm you have a full tank of gas. Give me a few minutes and we’ll get this all wrapped up for you.”
