Page 45 of Saved By Love

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I couldn’t help but giggle.

More women sat down around the circle. One of them happened to be Rose. I breathed a little easier. Even with Tammy and Patty here, it was nice to see another face I knew.

Patty cleared her throat. “Ladies of the circle, this is Emma Middleton.”

They all smiled at me. Lifting my hand, I gave them my best grin. “Hello, ladies. It’s a pleasure.”

Patty walked up to Shannon. She was for sure the youngest of the group. She was also stunningly beautiful. Her blonde hair was up in the most adorable ponytail. “This is Shannon.”

Shannon nodded and flashed me a wide grin. It was the type of smile that forced you to smile back, even if you were in the worst possible mood.

“Then you have Landy here.”

Landy looked to be my age and she waved very enthusiastically. She had light brown hair that was pulled into a messy bun. Her warm blue eyes made me feel comfortable at once.

I waved back.

“This is Erin. She’s quiet, but don’t let that fool you.”

Erin’s cheeks turned red. She was also very pregnant. Another beautiful woman, with brown hair and eyes the color of fall. I couldn’t tell if they were brown, hazel, or a mix of both.

“Hi, Erin,” I said as she waved.

Patty made her way over to an older woman, who looked to be in her early forties. She was stunning and had a body I would kill for. Her blonde hair was fashioned into a French twist, and she looked like she was ready to take on the world. “This is Cara. She runs a book blog and is obsessed with exercise.”

Cara held up a book and asked, “Do you like to read, Emma?”

“I do,” I replied.

“How much can you bench press?” Her accent sounded very southern.

“Ahh…I’m not sure,” I answered with a shrug.

She winked at me. “We’ll fix that soon enough, darlin’.”

Tammy chuckled next to me.

“Moving on,” Patty said as she stopped in front of Rose. “This is Rose, whom you’ve met.”

I waved, and Rose returned the gesture.

“You know Tammy, you know me, and with Emma, that rounds us out to eight ladies. We are whole again!”

Amens filled the air, and Shannon made a note in her journal.

“Whole again?” I asked Tammy in a whispered voice.

“Patty has a weird thing about even numbers.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Emma, welcome to our group. Would you like to tell us a little something about yourself?” Patty asked.

My mouth dropped open a bit and I glanced around the circle.

Tammy nudged me to stand. “Do it now and get it over with, or Patty won’t let it go.”

Slowly standing, I wrung my hands together. “Well, I’m Emma Middleton, I moved here from Dallas, Texas.”
