Page 67 of Saved By Love

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“And I need to get going too. Have fun tonight, pumpkin, and I’ll see you when you stop by the church,” Patty said.

Hadley threw herself at her grandmother. “Bye, Grams! I love you!”

“Love you too!” Facing me, Patty winked. “Thank you for stepping in and doing this. I know Aiden appreciates it. I’ve sent him a text already and told him you have Hadley. Have fun, you two!”

And just like that, she was gone, and it was me and Hadley.

“Okay, let’s get our trick-or-treating on!” I said as Hadley jumped and twirled.

After an hour of trick-or-treating, Tammy and I made our way to the church since the temperature outside had been dropping fast. Booths lined the halls, and everyone working them was dressed in costumes. Mostly Disney characters for the kids. Hadley ran from booth to booth, Jennifer hot on her heels.

“I’d give anything for that kind of energy,” Tammy stated.

I giggled. “Me too.”

“So, we haven’t really gotten a chance to talk since your brother-in-law showed up.”


“Right. It’s none of my business, Emma, but Rose keeps pushing me to talk to you. To make sure you’re okay.”

Stopping, I faced her and took her hands in mine. “I promise, I’m fine. I wasn’t fine for a number of years, but the whole reason I moved to Estes Park was to put that part of my life behind me. I’m in a good place. Not a perfect place, but a good place.”

She smiled and pulled me to her. “I’m glad. And you know the circle is always here for you.”

Drawing back, I nodded. “I know.”

A loud scream came from one of the booths, and I instantly knew it was Hadley.

“Hadley!” I cried out as I ran toward the sound. My heart nearly lurched from my chest when I saw her on the ground, holding her arm.

“What happened?” I cried out as I dropped to the floor.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t see her there. When I backed into her, she fell and tripped over the wagon. She landed on her hand and started screaming.”

I had no idea who the older man was, but I knew it was clearly an accident.

“Hadley, pumpkin, I’m going to help you stand up,” I said as I gently helped her to her feet. Tears were streaming down her face, and I would have given anything to take her pain away.

Lance and Patty came running over. “Is she okay?” Patty asked, panic in her voice.

I nodded and said, “She seems to be able to move it, but we should take her to the doctor just in case.”

“Let me see if I can find someone to cover me,” Patty said as she glanced around frantically.

Lance gently took Hadley into his arms. “No, Emma and I will bring her. I’m sure it’s just a sprain.”

Patty looked unsure.

“I can stay, Patty, if you want to go,” I said.

“Emma!” Hadley cried out, reaching out for me. For a moment, I was unsure what to do, but when Lance handed her to me, and she buried her face in my neck, I fought to hold back tears. Hadley wanted me to stay with her, so that’s what I would do. And the way that made my heart fill with pure happiness caused a single tear to slip free. I quickly wiped it away, but not before Lance, Patty, and Tammy saw.

Patty smiled. “You take her. I’ll text Aiden and let him know. I’m not sure how long it will take for him to respond.”

Nodding, I looked at Lance. “Ready?”

Motioning for me to walk ahead, he replied, “Let’s go.”
