Page 77 of Saved By Love

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I nodded. “I don’t know how to do this…this thing we have between us.”

“Neither do I,” she replied, then looked down at Hadley.

“I’m scared to let you in, Emma, because the thought of losing you is something I don’t even want to contemplate.”

She glanced back up to meet my gaze. “Do you feel my hand in yours?”


“Do you feel the connection we share?”

I nodded.

“I do as well, and I’m just as scared, Aiden, because I vowed I would never let another man into my heart. But we have to have faith that what we feel together is a gift that’s been given to us, even if we weren’t looking for it. If we walk hand in hand, we won’t fall. I truly believe that.”

I swallowed hard. “Are you worried about what people will say if…well…if something more happens between us?”

Emma laughed softly and shook her head. “For years I hid the real me because I was so afraid of what people would think. I refuse to live my life that way anymore. So, to answer your question, no, I don’t care what anyone says or thinks. I care about how it affects Hadley’s life.”

A warmth spread over my entire body. This time, I squeezed her hand. “Will you tell me sometime, Emma? What happened?”

Her eyes watered, and she nodded. “Yes. Just not today.”

When she scooted down to lay on the pillows, she rested her head on the arm that was outstretched, still holding my hand. Her eyes closed, and I watched as her breaths became slower and slower. Her lips parted slightly, and Emma drifted off to sleep. And I still couldn’t look away.



My body felt warm.Relaxed. Most likely because I’d gotten the best sleep I’d had in months. Who would have thought sleeping on the floor would have given me such a restful night?

“So…what’s going on?” sang a voice from above me. Tammy’s voice.

“Go away. Why are you at my house so early?”

Then I realized I was holding someone in my arms. And that someone was trying to getoutof my arms. Frantically.

Opening my eyes, I saw Emma attempting to get up.

Pulling her back against me, I snuggled my face into the back of her hair.

“Aiden, let me go,” she softly hissed.

Lifting my gaze, I saw both TammyandDalton were standing over us, both wearing smiles that went from ear to ear.

I smiled back and asked, “S’up guys?”

“Aiden!” Emma said, still trying to wriggle out of my arms.

“Where’s Hadley?” I asked, pulling Emma even closer. She stilled, and I instantly knew why.


My current situation below the belt was pushing into her rear.

“Well, when we got here, Hadley was in the kitchen trying to make you and Emma breakfast. She told us the two of you were up here, still sleeping.” Dalton tilted his head and raised a brow. “Whatcha doingnow?” he asked with another grin.

“Nothing,” Emma insisted, but this time she didn’t try to move. “I mean, we all slept up here, and when Hadley left,hemoved closer.”
