Page 69 of From Jerk to Perk

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Wyatt sprung for a limo for the four of us, just for the hell of it, and must have paid the driver to cruise around the city for a while before dropping us off. We had a nice bit of fun in the back, thanks to the opaque screen separating the driver from us, and the blacked-out windows.

I wore a dress my mother bought me as a mea culpa for driving me up the wall with her wedding crap. And to her credit, it was only slightly off-brand for me—her term, not mine. She got me a flouncy little Farm Rio minidress that swings just right when I walk. Its bright colors are not my usual jam, but the funkiness of the dress makes it look rock-n-roll enough for me not to feel like a total bougie idiot.

Paired with my combat boots, a hilarious contrast to the floofy dress, I feel like quite the badass.

The best part is that when I got in the limo with the guys, and they realized I wasn’t wearing panties, well, they just about exploded.

I touched myself for them, one of the hottest things I’ve ever done. But I wouldn’t let them touch me back.

And now they’re going to walk around the event for a good two hours, having trouble concentrating, and fighting off hard-ons every time I wave at them from across the room.

So. Much. Fun.

I feel a hand on my elbow and turn to see which of my handsome trio just can’t stay away.

“Okay, big man—” I start to say.

But when I turn to look up, I realize I need to lower my gaze. I’m not facing one of my tall hotties, but rather Julius.

“Amalia, look at you, wearing bright colors. I almost didn’t recognize you,” he says, eyeing me up and down.

I smooth the hem of my dress, suddenly self-conscious I’m not wearing panties. So much for being a badass.

“Julius,” I say, faking excitement. I click my champagne glass against his and take a swig of my bubbles. “How are things?”

I’m a phony bitch, I know. But I did promise Levi I’d get Julius off his back.

The progress of which remains to be seen.

He leans closer to me and I can smell cheese on his breath. But I don’t inch away, much as I am dying to. I’ve got a job to do here and if I have to suffer someone’s bad breath, I will.

“Hey,” he says quietly, “any more about Levi’s newest book? Is it coming out as well as you said?”

He scoffs like there’s no way it could be.


But I play along and look around like I’m worried about others overhearing us. “I haven’t seen anything lately, not since we last spoke. You know, since I’m in the romance division, I don’t get to see a lot of what the rest of the company is doing. What I told you about is a sneak peek, one I shouldn’t have seen, and one I shouldn’t have told you about.” I rub my shoulder against his to show him we’re on the same team. “But I know I can trust you, Julius.”

And… I’m going to hell for all the freaking lies I’m telling.

He nods, perusing the crowd. “Sure, sure. I get that. Well, we’ll see if he can redeem himself for the crap he writes,” he says quietly.

God, this guy rubs me the wrong way. I mean, having an axe to grind over someone who was more popular than you in college? It doesn’t get much more petty than that.

But I have to be careful in order to keep Julius’s trust. I can’t say too much.

“I gave your manuscript to Cameron,” I say.

His face brightens. “Really? What did he say?” He jumps up and down a little.

“Oh, I don’t think he’s read it yet. He’s super busy, you know. But I’m sure he’ll love it.”


He presses his lips together and nods. “Sure. Of course. It’s a long book, anyway. May take him some time to get through it. Oh hey, here he comes.”

I look up to see Cameron glaring at me, heading at me like a charging bull. I don’t think he’s even noticed Julius.
