Page 92 of From Jerk to Perk

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Yes, I’m doing this during work hours. It’s not like I have anything to lose, really. Just waiting for that old hammer to drop.

The job listings are skimpy, especially for what I want. Victoria’s Secret, here I come.

Ralph squints at his computer monitor. “Yeah. They’re here for you.” He reaches for his phone, even though it hasn’t rung and says, “Hello, Ralph here.”

Ok. That was odd.

I push myself up from my office chair, my arms and legs like heavy weights, with the headache I’ve been battling since I woke up this morning threatening to get worse. It doesn’t helpthat I’ve quit going to the gym and my diet consists mainly of Dunkin’.

I smooth out my skirt, although I don’t know why. I feel like crap and look like it too. I’ve been wearing the same clothes for three days in a row. I’m not even wearing my signature red lipstick, that’s how fucked up I am right now. If Cameron doesn’t fire me for performance, he will because I smell bad.

I grab my water bottle and take my sweet time getting to the conference room. I’m positive Ralph is mistaken and that if there is indeed anyone in there, they’re not here for me.

I round the corner and see three men sitting side by side, their backs to me.

What the hell?

Is that Levi, Wyatt, and Henry?

I know better than to ask. Of course I can recognize them from the back.

A burning sensation takes hold in my stomach, and I want to run back to my desk. If they’re here for a meeting, it’s with Cameron, not me, and besides, I don’t want them to see me like this. If I’d known they were coming, I’d have fixed myself up a bit. Let them see howgreatI’m doing and howwonderfulmy life is.

I’d show them how I don’t miss them one bit, and I’m not humiliated in the least that my name is connected to the year’s biggest outrage in New York publishing.

Or that I’ll be working at Victoria’s Secret again, really soon.

I take a step back and then another, hoping to get around the corner and out of sight before any of them sees me.

I’ll get Ralph to let them know I’m not here. Or dead. That would work. Tell them I was hit by a cab or something.

A hand lands on my upper back and I nearly jump out of my shoes. My water bottle clatters to the floor, but Cameron bendsto pick it up for me because, well, I’m pretty much frozen in place.

“What’s going on here?” he booms, craning his neck toward the three guys. “Hmmm. I wasn’t expecting them.”

Unfortunately, the glass conference room walls are not completely soundproof. Three heads turn our way, and now there’s no escaping.

“Let me see what these clowns want.” He pulls open the door. “Hey, guys. Don’t think we had a meeting scheduled.”

Levi stands. “Amalia. Can you join us, please?”

Frowning, Cameron scoffs.

I push past him but remain in the doorway.

Cameron glances at his nails. “Guys, I know pulling Levi’s book doesn’t feel good, but under the circumstances it’s the right thing to do. I want you to know that no amount of cajoling or deal-making will get me to change my mind. So if you could please be on your way?—”

Henry holds a hand up to shut him down. “Cam, we’re here for Amalia. Not you.”

Cameron throws his hands up, his face covered with amusement. “Fine. Fine. I’ll listen to what you have to say. And Amalia, you can stick around if you want.”

He takes a seat the head of the table where he always sits, and looks over his shoulder at me. “Amalia. C’mon. Sit down so we can see what these guys want.”

I nod and silently take the seat closest to the door, because I’m sure I’m not going to be here long. And as I do, the gazes of all three gorgeous men are fixed on me like Cameron’s not even in the room.

“Um, hi,” I say quietly, my heart pounding wildly. What do they want of me?

And who’s going to clue-in Cameron that he was just uninvited but too stupid to realize it?
