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We’re not fighting.

Not grappling for dominance.

For once in our lives, we’re working together. Chasing a shared goal: that spot inside Violet that makes her breath hitch and her blush deepen, the spot which makes her clamp down on me like a vise. And every time I hit it, I chase her higher toward her peak, until she’s spread out beneath me, trembling.

“Oh—oh god.Jude.Oh god.”

Sweat trickles down my spine beneath my shirt. Gonna bundle us both into the shower after this. Gonna clean us off and then lick between Violet’s legs until she slumps against the tiles. But first—

“You’re so goddamn perfect. Come for me. Let go, sweetheart. Trust me.”

She bites down hard on her lower lip, head thrashing, stomach muscles clenching.

My lungs freeze.

And Ifeelit. Every twitch and gasp and ripple of pleasure. Every blissful shudder that rocks her frame. I feel Violet Moorecome apart from the inside, feel the evidence of her trust in me, and it makes me brand new.

When I follow her over the edge a minute later, grunting and pumping her full… it’s a sticky slice of heaven.

* * *

Two years later

It’s quiet in the office today. Phones bleat and keyboards tap and the water cooler glugs, but it’s calm for a Friday morning. Sighing, I open my email and scan through the newest contracts.

This job is fine.

Fun, even. I get to work on cool projects, get to be creative with big budgets, and boss around an army of minions—I mean, interns. But it’s not the same when Violet’s gone.

Leaning back in my chair, I scowl at the elevator doors, arms folded over my chest. Any minute now.

The sign above the elevator lights up, counting through the floors. I swallow hard, chest rioting.

Even now, after two years together, Violet makes my heart go crazy. What’s the manly version of butterflies? Bats? She gives me bats in my stomach.

The elevator pings, and the doors slide open.

Violet strolls out into the office, a tote bag slung on her shoulder and one hand resting on her baby bump beneath her shirt dress.

“Judas.” My wife pokes her tongue out at me, settling into the chair opposite mine. Not long now until her maternity leave begins—and not long until I strike out and start my own agency, becoming my own boss. I’ve dawdled and dragged my feet for a couple years, too eager to see Violet at work every day, but ourgrowing baby has given me that extra push. Time to up my game. Toprovide.

Violet can always come work for me, too. If she wants.

Sparks will surely fly.

“Falafel again?” I nod at her tote bag as she places it on the desk, some mystery wrapper rustling inside. “You’re a sucker for those coupons.”

“Aaaand there goes your free bite.” Violet grins, shifting in her chair until it squeaks. “Now who’s the sucker? Hope you enjoy your crappy little ham sandwich for lunch.”

Excuse me? “I made that!”

Violet grins wider. “Exactly.”

And I hope we never stop sparring. Hope these sparks never, ever die out.

My wife is the best enemy I ever had.

* * *
