Page 11 of Unexpected Ventures

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I hate that it’s the truth. She won’t see him grow up. That pains me. She’d be such a great grandmother. FU cancer!

“Of course, Mom.”

“Thank you.” She takes a few labored breaths. “Distract me. Tell me what’s going on with you. Are you seeing anyone?”

“I’m a little busy for that right now.” And I’m less than a year removed from walking into my house and finding my husband, the only man I had ever been with, in bed with another woman. It doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.

“Make time. I know I didn’t have long enough with your father, but I cherish every minute I had with the love of my life. When you find true love, it’s so special. You feel it in your bones. Gary was never good enough for you. One day you’ll find the right man and you’ll realize what I’m saying is true.”

“I hope you’re right, Mom.”

“I am. Now tell me about work.”

“It’s fine, but I have an interview at a new firm, Cooper and Kronfeld, tomorrow. I’m thinking of making a move.”

“I thought things were going well.”

“They are, but it’s a bit of an old boy’s network. I want to be in a more female-friendly firm. The mergers and acquisitions department at Cooper and Kronfeld is chaired by a woman. I want to work for her.”

My mother has no clue that it’s Cassandra. I don’t think she’s ever really understood what type of law Cassandra and I practice and certainly doesn’t know where she works. She’d probably be encouraging about me reaching out to my estranged sister, but I don’t want to add any stress to her plate. If we reconcile, I’ll tell her.

The next day, I interview with the managing partner. The next week I’m offered the job. On my first day, that partner tells me we’re going to meet Cassandra Blackstone, the best in the business, and that she’s agreed to be my direct supervisor and mentor.

I can’t believe this day is finally here. Will she recognize me? She hasn’t seen me since I was five. We do look alike though. And maybe she’s followed me like I’ve followed her. I hope she has. Then I’ll know she cares.

Steven, the managing partner, walks me to Cassandra’s open office door and knocks. She looks up and smiles. I see no recognition from her. I have a pang of disappointment. Part of me wanted her to care enough to check in on me to know what I look like now.

“Cassandra, this is Beth O’Connell. I mentioned her to you earlier.” Again, no recognition at the name. I kept my married name for Luke’s sake. She only knows me as Lizzie Blackstone, not Beth O’Connell.

Cassandra stands to shake my hand. I’m sweating. The closer she gets, the more obvious it is that we’re related. I’m shorter than her, and her hair is shorter than mine, but the resemblance is unmistakable. Yet I see nothing from her.

She gives me a warm smile. “Hi, Beth. It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Cassandra Blackstone. Welcome to Cooper and Kronfeld.”

I compliment her and talk about how excited I am to work for her. She cracks a few jokes before Steven leaves. When he does, we sit and engage in a bit of get to know you chit-chat.

I can’t believe I’m sitting here with my sister. This is surreal. I want to reach across her desk and hug her, but I don’t. I want to beg her to be in my life, but I don’t.

She asks about my personal life. I tell her about my new divorce and my one-year-old son. She doesn’t ask me his name. It’s the same as our father.

She does mention that she has a godson around the same age. I didn’t know that.

We spend the rest of the day getting me caught up on her files. At the end of the day, her phone rings with an emergency. She mentions that her niece is in premature labor.

Niece? I’m so confused.

I later find out that it’s Darian’s girls who she considers her nieces. I want to tell her that she has a nephew too, but I don’t. I ask her if she has any siblings, and she says no. I can feel my heart breaking. She doesn’t think of me at all. She never has. Maybe this was a mistake.

But as the weeks and months go on, we strike up a friendship. She’s not at all what I expected. She’s not cold. She’s not nasty. She’s amazing. She’s smart, warm, and may be the funniest person I’ve ever met. I want her in my life as my sister, not just my co-worker.

* * *


I look around the table and smile. If Cassandra wasn’t in my life, this would be a table for two. Giselle and me. Instead, it’s a table for eleven. Darian, Darian’s three daughters, Harley, Reagan, and Skylar, Melissa, her stepdaughter, Jade, and Melissa’s three daughters-in-law, Kylie, Jessica, and of course, Cassandra.

They beg me to open my gifts. I do and it’s all sex toys. One after another. I turn and look suspiciously at Cassandra. She smirks as she shrugs. “I may have told them there was a theme.”

I can’t help but smile at my sister.Mysister.
