Page 112 of Unexpected Ventures

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Sebastian rejoins us. “Let’s get out of this stodgy place. I can’t take it. Let’s have some fun, like the old days.”

Claudia looks up at him. “What do you have in mind?”

“Let’s go to a bar. Let’s go dancing. Anything but sitting around and stuffing our faces talking about flatulence.”

I shake my head. “I told you I’m not into the twenty-something scene. We’ve outgrown it. Not to sound like an old man, but it’s loud and the music sucks. I’ll pass.”

Claudia smiles. “Actually, a new club opened, geared toward an over-thirty crowd. Maybe we can check it out. If it’s too young, we can leave.” She looks out the window. “If we’re going, let’s do it before the rain comes. It’s supposed to storm tonight.”

I’m not in the mood for this, but I’ve missed my friends and want to spend time with them. It won’t hurt to go for a little bit. I’ll stay for one drink.

We head to the club. Well, I wouldn’t call it a club. It’s a bar with music that isn’t crazy loud and isn’t all rap. It’s a lot of older rock-n-roll.

Sebastian and I offer to go to the bar to order drinks. Claudia is anxious to get Kevin on the dance floor. With his hands on her hips, she leads him that way.

As we wait for drinks, I watch them dancing. She’s in his arms and they’re both grinning. They’re moving to the beat of the music, completely in sync with one another. Every few seconds he kisses somewhere on her body. Her neck, her shoulders, her face, her lips. It’s sweet how much they still love each other after all these years.

At some point, I notice her eyes widen. I follow her line of sight and see Lindsay dirty dancing with some guy. Shit. This evening isn’t going to end well.

She’s in a tight, short, purple dress. Lindsay is a very attractive woman, with killer curves and wild blonde curls. The dress leaves little to the imagination.

Claudia grabs Kevin’s hand and they make their way to us. “I don’t love this place. Let’s go.”

Sebastian scrunches his nose, “What? We just got here. Relax. Let’s have some…”

And then his eyes find Lindsay. He breathes, “What the fuck?”

I look over and the guy is whispering in Lindsay’s ear while she smiles. His hands are on her waist.

Sebastian stands but I grab his arm. “Don’t make a scene.”

He turns his head to me. “What do you want me to do, Dom? Watch her with some other guy? I can’t do that. That’s my wife out there.”

Claudia interrupts, “Yourex-wife. It’s been well over two years. Let her go. She’s finally happy.”

He starts pulling his hair, clearly tormented. I hate seeing my friend like this. Why was he such an ass in the first place? He loves her. I know he does. It didn’t have to be this way.

He takes a few deep breaths. I think he’s calming down, but then he says, “Fuck this.”

He marches over to Lindsay. I see it in her eyes the second she notices him stalking her way. She breaks out of the man’s embrace.

I move to stand behind my friend, both to support him and contain him if needed.

He grabs her arm. “What are you doing with this loser?”

The guy puts his hand on Sebastian’s chest. “What’s your problem, dude? Back off.”

Sebastian swats his hand away. “My problem is that you’ve got your hands all over my wife.Mywife.”

The guy holds his hands up. “Sorry, I didn’t know she was married.” He mumbles, “She didn’t act like it.”

Lindsay places her hands on her hips. “I’m not married. This is myex-husband.Ex, Sebastian. We’re no longer married. Get that through your thick skull.”

Sebastian is seething. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like this.

He looks her up and down. “What the hell are you wearing?”

“A dress.”
