Page 119 of Unexpected Ventures

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Gary nods and mumbles, “I’ll see you tomorrow,” as he walks out the door.

When the door closes, she turns around and lifts an eyebrow. “What was that?”

“You know I don’t like that he walks in here unannounced. And since when do you guyshang?”

“I don’thangwith him.” She looks down at my cock, which is hard as rock right now. “Did you have to emasculate him with your chorizo grande?”Large sausage.

I let out a laugh. “Chorizo grande?”

She smiles and nods toward my erection. “At least he didn’t see it in that state. He would have peed his pants.”

“I can’t help that I like when you get feisty.” I run my fingers over her shirt. My shirt. “I love that you kept this.”

She looks down at it as her face softens. “It smelled like you for a few months. I needed it.”

I tilt her chin up. “I love seeing you in it. It’s sexy as hell. Everything about you is sexy.” I nod toward her bar. “I saw the Cuban cigars over there.”

She keeps her head up. “I don’t smoke them, but the smell reminds me of you. Clearly I’ve missed you.”

Like with my shirt, she says it without any shame. I love this confident Beth. Ireallylove how much she needed reminders of me all year. My cock gets even harder and starts oozing for her.

Her eyes take notice, and her breathing picks up. She grabs my cock, licks her lips, and says, “Suddenly I’m very hungry for breakfast foods,” as she drops to her knees.

* * *

After a minor yet wonderful detour,we’re finally soaking in her tub with our glasses of bourbon. Her hair is up in a messy bun and her legs are draped over mine. Her cheeks are flushed from what we just did. Her neck, shoulders, and breasts are covered in my marks. I’ve never seen anything more perfect.

She leans back, looking content with her eyes closed. Icy Beth seems to be gone. At least for now.

“You’re breathtakingly beautiful, princesa.”

She smiles as she opens her eyes. “Thank you.” She lets out a giggle.

“What’s so funny?”

“Gary is at his house right now looking at his dick in the mirror realizing he’s not half the man you are. Not even a quarter.”

“Un chorizo pequeño?”A small sausage?

She smiles. “They’re all small next to yours.” She takes a slow sip of her bourbon as her face turns serious. “Tell me what happened over the past year. Tell me why you ended things with me. Help me understand.”

I nod, knowing it’s finally time to talk to her about everything. “I assume you now know that Gabriela is a Navarro?”

She nods. “Cassandra told me. I know they’re powerful, but are they corrupt?”

“Yes and no. I don’t know of anything illegal, but they still use old-world tactics to get what they want. Their influence in Cuba is unmatched. When I landed in Cuba, her father had guys waiting for us and took us to her family’s compound. I didn’t even get a chance to express my condolences before I was informed that my kids were staying with Gabriela in Cuba. I could leave or stay, they didn’t care. I tried to plead with Gabriela. She doesn’t even like living in Cuba or dealing with her overbearing father. But I think she thought…she thought…”

“That she could get you back this way.”

“Yes. How did you know?”

“It was clear to me when I met her that she’s still in love with you.”

I nod as I take a sip from my glass. “I don’t know if it’s love, but it’s clearly what she wanted. I immediately went to a family lawyer down there. He told me it was going to be a long process, as the laws there heavily favor the mother andveryheavily favor Navarros.”

“Where did you stay?”

“With my sister. That was the only silver lining in any of this. Spending time with her and her boys. Anyway, the lawyer told me I was looking at a two-to-three-year process, but if I left Cuban soil, I would effectively be throwing in the towel and giving up all rights.”
