Page 123 of Unexpected Ventures

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“Valentina is back at school. I want to look good.”

I play innocent. “Oh, that’s wonderful. How is she?”

“A little different. A little quieter.”

“Make sure you’re a good friend. I’m sure it was hard to be away from her friends and school for a year in a foreign country.”

“I know.” He’s quiet for a moment as he looks down. “Are we going to see Dominic?”

I hate how much he hurt when Dominic left. I’m sure it didn’t help that I was a mess. I hadn’t realized how much he’d come to rely on our pseudo-blended family. That’s exactly why I need to keep my time with Dominic separate from Luke. If things go south, I can’t let him go through that again.

“I’m sure we’ll see him at school events.”

“So we won’t spend time all together, like we did before?”

“No, honey, not right now. I don’t think it’s a great idea. But we have that overnight camping trip toward the end of the school year. You’ll probably see him then.”

He mumbles, “I guess.”

He looks sad, but I know this is best. Maybe a day will come when it’s time for us all to be together again, but I’m not doing it until we’re one hundred percent certain about our future. When we truly know each other and have no more obstacles.



The past few weeks have been great for me and Beth. We’re not together as much as we were before, or as much as I’d like, but we’re genuinely dating.

We go out for dinner, we go out with friends, both mine and hers, and we do a lot of talking. She was right about needing to get to know each other. I do feel like I know her so much better now, and I know she feels the same about me.

I learned more about her father and her ex-husband. How she’s a bit damaged over losing them both. I realize how much my actions exacerbated her issues. I hate myself for doing that to her.

I finally worked up the nerve to call Cassandra about Dora. She was understanding. When I pick the kids up from Gabriela’s house tomorrow, we’re heading over to Cassandra’s to get Dora back.

But tonight, my kids are with Gabriela and Luke is with his father. After not seeing Beth for six days, I finally get some time alone with my girl. We’ve both had a long week at work and just want to stay in and watch a movie.

She opens the door when I arrive and I immediately take her in my arms, burying my nose in her neck and taking in her sweet scent. “I’ve missed you, princesa.”

She pulls back and I notice for the first time that she looks sad. “What’s wrong, mi amor?”

“I got my period. I legitimately burst into tears. Our first night together in a week. I’m sorry.”

I let out a laugh and kiss her hand. “It’s not your fault. We’ll cuddle and watch the movie. I just need to be close to you. To hold you. I’ve missed you all week.” And for the past year.

She buries her head in my chest. “Okay. I’ll still take care of you.”

I smile into her head. “It’s not necessary. We’re in it together.”

We’re now almost done with the movie. Her head is on my chest with my arm around her and we have a blanket across us. I can feel her breath. I can smell her shampoo. She’s been aimlessly running her nails softly over my legs. It’s driving me crazy. I’m hard as a rock. I can’t even focus. I have no idea what’s going on in the movie. I hope she doesn’t notice.

I may have discreetly googledsex on your periodat some point during the movie. I learned a few interesting facts.

When it’s over, she stands and stretches. Her T-shirt lifts just enough so that I can see her belly. I desperately want to lick her creamy, soft skin.

“I’ll be right back. I need to run upstairs to change my tampon.”

I quietly walk upstairs behind her. As soon as she goes in the bathroom, I quickly remove all my clothes and then follow her in.

Her eyes widen. “What are you doing?”
