Page 34 of Unexpected Ventures

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She closes my door and sits next to me. “What’s going on?”


She nods. “Are you finally going to tell me what happened with you two? I know something went down.”

I can’t help but smile. “Hewent down.”

She returns my smile. “At Reagan’s party, right?”

I nod. “Yes”

“Trevor owes me a hundred bucks and OOD. I knew something happened between you two that night.

“What’s OOD?”

“Oral On Demand. I can ask for it anytime, anywhere, and he has to do it. We always use it for our bets, and we both go out of our way to cash it in at the most inconvenient time for the other. It’s a little game we play.”

I shake my head. “You two are deranged.”

She smirks. “Yet perfect for each other.”

“True. Anyway, Dominic and I had this amazing instant connection. We went into a private room. Things were starting to happen.” I close my eyes for a moment, remembering how perfect it was until his phone rang. “Shit, Cassandra, it was the best orgasm I’ve ever had in my life.”

“What happened? Why didn’t you see him again?”

“When things were about to progress further, his phone rang.” I pause dramatically. “It was his wife.”

Her eyes pop open. “Dominic is married?”

“He was. Not anymore. At that time, they were separated, which I didn’t find out until recently. She told him on the phone that she was pregnant. He freaked out and left me sitting there with my dress around my waist. Literally, it was around my waist. That was the last time I saw him until a few weeks ago at Luke’s school, and now, obviously, he’s a client.”

She blows out a breath. “Wow. What a mess.”

“That’s not even the messy part. We have a clear mutual attraction. I’m so drawn to him, and I honestly believe he’s drawn to me.”

“He’s hot as hell. Of course you’re drawn to him. Every woman with eyes is drawn to him.”

“It’s more than that. There’s something there. I’m sure of it. He says he feels it too, but he keeps telling me that I need a nice guy, not him. That he’s not good enough for me.”

She looks confused. “What does that mean?”

“He just told me that he needs a lot of sex. A lot of rough sex. He said normal women like me can’t give him that, so he gets it from some kind of sex club. I’m not exactly clear on what it is.”

Her eyes widen. “Holy fuck. It’s hard to imagine a guy that looks like Dominic needs prostitutes.”

“I know. He said they’re not prostitutes, but it sounds like it to me.”

“So what are you going to do?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know. Honestly, part of me is terrified and part of me is…curious.”

She smiles again. “I see. Have you ever had rough sex?”

“No, not really. Have you?”

“All the time. That’s how I like it. I always have.”

“How rough?”
