Page 43 of Unexpected Ventures

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He thrusts his hips and pushes it further into my hand, trapping it between his body and mine. With his lips close to my face, he growls, “You can’t handle me.”

I smile back, “Try me. I promise I won’t break.”

My breathing is becoming labored. His closeness to me has my head spinning. My arousal is at an all-time high. He’s the most innately sexual man I’ve ever met. There’s nothing I won’t do in this moment to make it happen. I won’t have a repeat of the other day. Days.

He moves his hand down the front of my dress until it meets my bare inner thigh. My dress is unforgiving, so it rides up with his hand as he makes his way to my center. I suppose someone could see us, but neither of us cares.

His fingers continue to slowly travel up my upper thigh, almost making me whimper, but I’m trying to be strong. He cups my pussy. “You’ll never be the same again.”

I look back at him with all the bravado I’m currently feeling. “Neither will you.”

In one seemingly quick motion, he grabs onto my panties, tears them off, and sinks his fingers into me. I have no idea how many fingers, but it feels like a lot, and he’s pushing them deep.

This time I can’t help but let out a moan.

“Once I’m in here, princesa, I’ll own it.”

I nod. “Take it.” I don’t care about anything right now other than the fact that I want him inside me. I need him inside me.

I breathe, “Fuck me. However you need it.”

His eyes turn darker than normal. I see him battling with his self-control. He licks his bottom lip again. I’m learning he does that when he gets turned on, and it only serves to ramp up my arousal.

I can’t help but open my mouth and sink my teeth into that lower lip of his, pulling it out. I can feel him tense. I just need him to finally snap.

There’s a noise in the parking lot behind us. We’re out of sight, but unfortunately it brings us back to reality.

I release his lip, and he pulls his fingers out of me and straightens my dress. “Not here.”

“What? Why not here? No one can see us.” I can’t wait a minute longer.

“Because when I finally have you, you’re going to scream so loud that people will think I’m murdering you, not fucking you.”

God yes.

He takes the fingers that were inside me and rubs them all over my lips, coating them in my juices. He snakes out his thick, long tongue, the one that stars in my dreams, and runs it across my lips. I nearly collapse.

I grab fistfuls of his hair and open my mouth around his tongue, sucking it into my mouth. He pulls my ass so I’m achingly tight to his erection and begins to kiss me back.

I’m quickly transported to our first kiss over four years ago. The need. The want. The passion. The way he kisses is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. His tongue is everywhere, yet the suction is perfect.

He picks me up and starts walking, all without breaking the kiss. My dress is too tight to wrap my legs around him, but he nonetheless carries me effortlessly. His big, strong hands are pulling my body tight to his.

When we get to his car, he breaks the kiss. He opens the door and I attempt to get my feet back on the ground, but he squeezes me tight. “You’re not going anywhere. You started this, and now you’ll see it through.”

In the darkness of the empty parking lot, he lifts the bottom of my dress to my waist, pulls my legs around him, and sits down in the driver’s seat. He closes the door and turns the car on before beginning to unbutton and unzip his pants.

“Sácame la verga, princesa.”Pull my cock out, princess.

I reach into his pants and grab hold of him. I close my eyes. I knew this was coming. I knew what kind of man I was dealing with. He’s thick. Insanely thick. My fingers don’t come close to meeting when I wrap my hand around him. He’s going to ruin me.

I pull him out and look down. I almost gasp. It’s the longest, thickest, angriest penis I’ve ever remotely imagined. It’s engorged with veins popping out. He’s rock hard and already oozing from the tip.

He smiles. “I told you that you’ll never be the same again. Rub that wet pussy of yours against me while I drive and make yourself come. Trust me, you’ll want at least one orgasm to loosen you up before I destroy you.”

He slams the car into gear and peels out of the parking lot. I shift my hips so that my pussy sits on top of his long length.

I don’t know who I am right now. I’ve never been this woman. I’ve always been cautious. Reserved. I’ve never even had sex outside of a bed. I’ve never been so overcome by desire that I threw caution to the wind. My night with Dominic at Reagan’s party was the craziest thing I’ve ever done, at least until tonight.
