Page 80 of Unexpected Ventures

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He drops his mouth and breathes hard into my neck. “Thank you. I needed that.”

I turn my head and smile into him. “The pleasure was all mine.”

* * *

We’ve eatena nice dinner and have the firepit roaring. The kids are making s’mores and having a great time. Luke looks so happy with Valentina and Matteo. This is what it would be like if I gave him siblings. I have a pang of guilt that I haven’t done that for him. I can’t deny that I’ve begun to hope that this can be our normal. Our everyday life.

Dominic fiddles with his phone and Spanish music starts playing. I look at him in question. “Dancing to the Cuban Rumba is a New Year’s Eve tradition in our family.”

I scrunch my face. “I’m not a very good dancer.”

He winks as he takes Valentina’s hand as they begin to move to the music. They both dance beautifully. They’re next to each other as their hips and arms both move in unison. They both have big smiles on their faces. It’s clearly something they’ve done together many times before.

I see Matteo shaking his hips too. Luke looks on in wonderment.

Valentina offers Luke her hand and starts to show him how to move. He’s picking it up quickly as his little hips sway to the music. He and Valentina are both giggling. It’s adorable.

Dominic starts to offer me his hand, but Matteo steps in front of him and offers me his. Dominic and I smile at each other as I take Matteo’s hand.

He’s trying to show me the moves. He’s a good dancer. I had no idea. We’re both moving to the music now, and Matteo has a huge smile on his face.

Dominic looks on with pride. “Matteo, you may be the best dancer in the family. I had no idea.”

If possible, Matteo’s smile gets even wider. When the first song is over, he hugs my leg. I rub his back. “Thank you for helping me. You’re an amazing teacher.”

He nods as another song begins playing. We all dance for several songs, having a great time. I don’t think I’m very good, but it doesn’t matter. This is the fun, full family life I’ve always wished for.

Dominic disappears momentarily but then returns with a shopping bag. He pulls out five older looking dolls. Valentina and Matteo seem to understand what he’s doing and immediately grab one each. Valentina takes an extra and hands it to Luke.

I see Luke bite his lip. “Umm, thanks, but I don’t like playing with dolls.”

Dominic, Valentina, and Matteo laugh. Dominic wraps his arm around Luke. “In Cuban culture, we burn dolls on New Year’s Eve. We believe it gets rid of all the bad things that have happened in the past year. Any bad memories and regrets are left in the past and burned away. Only good things moving forward.”

Luke scrunches his nose. “You throw them in the fire?”

Dominic nods. “Yes.”

Luke’s eyes light up. “How cool.”

Dominic smiles at me as he hands me my doll. We all stand around the fire with our dolls. “Everyone, think of the bad moments for the last time. Once you throw it in the fire, you will never think of them again.”

I close my eyes and think of the loneliness I’ve felt for so long. The void in my life. The void in Luke’s. I pray they are nothing but forgotten memories. Dominic, Valentina, and Matteo have already filled our lives with so much joy.

Dominic wraps his arms around me and softly kisses my neck. “I know we’re thinking the same thing. Throw it in. Our time apart is in the past.”

The kids excitedly and happily throw their dolls in the fire. I do the same and Dominic kisses me again. Him openly giving me affection has already become our norm. The kids barely even notice it anymore. I can’t remember a time in my life that I’ve been as happy as I am in this very moment. I want it to last forever.

He whispers in my ear, “It’s time for them to go to bed and for you to make good on your promise to let me have my wicked way with you.”

It’s no small feat getting the kids to bed after the s’mores, but we eventually do. They’re all sleeping in the bunkbed room. Dominic leaves while I read them one final story.

When I get back to our bedroom, I see my pink bikini laying on the bed with a note.

Mi amor,

Póntelo. Solo esto. Prometo mantenerte cómoda. Encuéntrame en el techo.

