Page 93 of Unexpected Ventures

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“No. Gabriela is moving to Cuba permanently. Her father isn’t well, and she wants to stay to care for him. I can’t continue to deny my kids their mother. We’re…we’re going to stay down here…permanently.”

I’m stunned into silence. It takes me a few moments before I can muster a reply.


“Yes. I can’t be away from the kids. I’m moving down here too.”

“What about your job?”

“I spoke with Reagan. I’m taking a leave of absence.”

“What about us?”

He doesn’t answer right away. My heart is pounding hard in my chest.

I continue, “I guess we can talk on the phone, and I can come visit you. Will you be able to visit too?”

He blows out a breath. When he speaks, his voice is shaky. “You know I can’t handle long separations. It’s not who I am. I think we should both move on.”

My body tightens. Tears sting my eyes. “What are you saying? Are you breaking up with me?”

He croaks out, “Yes. It’s for the best.”

Yesterday we exchanged I love yous. Today he’s breaking up with me? This doesn’t sound right.

“I don’t understand. What changed in one day? I love you, Dominic. I’min lovewith you.”

He’s silent for a moment. Maybe he’ll change his mind. “I…I can’t be with you anymore. It’s not going to work for me. My children are my priority.” I hear voices in the background. “I have to go. I wish you and Luke well. Give him my best. Goodbye.”

He hangs up.

I’m in shock. I feel the world spinning. My chest starts to hurt. I lean back as tears stream down my face.

Just like that, without any real explanation, I’m alone. Again.




Steven throws his arm around me. “Another win for you, Beth. Since you’ve become a partner, you’ve been on fire. If I knew it would have brought out this animal in you, we would have made you a partner earlier.”

I fake a smile. “Thanks, Steven.” I think it was a compliment. I’m not sure. I was pretty good at my job before too. That’s why I was made a partner, dickhead.

I was voted a partner nearly a year ago. It coincided with a broken heart, so I’ve truly thrown myself into work in a way I never have before. I needed the distraction. I needed somewhere to channel my hurt and anger.

Cassandra smiles too, but I know her well enough to know it’s not a real one. She nods in agreement. “It’s not every day you make a grown man cry.”

I shrug. “People don’t like to lose money.”

She mumbles, “Or everything they have in this world.”

Steven’s cell phone rings. He looks at it. “Excuse me, ladies. I need to take this. Again, great job, Beth. Keep up the good work.”

He walks away to answer his phone and I look at Cassandra. “You don’t seem very happy. I just crushed this. Our client practically had an orgasm when he heard the outcome.”

“I’m happy for you. You know I’m not a fan of some of your tactics of late, but there’s no denying the outcome.”
