Page 103 of Enchanted Ventures

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I guess that cat’s out of the bag. “I am.”

“No shit. There are pictures of you two practically dry humping at some fancy event in Rome the other night. We’re going to talk about that amazing dress you wore and the million-dollar necklace around your neck in a minute. There are also a lot of pictures of you two kissing on the Amalfi Coast. And there are pictures of you on a giant mega yacht, and let’s just say they’re even more intimate.”

“What does that mean?”

“You guys are in a hot tub and his head is in your chest. It’s a little grainy, but I’m pretty sure you’re topless.”


“It definitely looks like you were getting fucked.”

“Can you see everything?”

“Not at all. Strangers wouldn’t even know it’s you. I saw the picture from Rome and that’s how I knew. Otherwise I wouldn’t have known.”

“Where are these pictures?”

“Everywhere. Like every gossip website in existence. Since when are you seeing Beckett?”

“For a bit. You know I met him years ago. We saw each other again recently and there was a spark.”

“Well, we can all see the spark now. What does Mr. Pierced Cock think of you spending time with Beckett?”

I’m silent.

She gasps. “Donottell me that it’s Beckett with a pierced cock. A fucking Jacob’s Ladder?”

“Okay, I won’t tell you.”

“Beckett’s cock is pierced? Holy shit. I would never have guessed that. He’s always so damn prim and proper.”

“He has to be like that publicly, but that’s not who he really is. He’s down-to-earth and fun. And sweet. And romantic. He’s such a good dad to his daughter.”

“But has a big and pierced cock?”

“You’re very focused on that.”

“I imagine you are too.”

I can’t help but laugh. “I enjoyallsides of Beckett.”

“I bet. Have you met his daughter?”


“Why hasn’t he met yours?”

“You work with him. You see him nearly every day.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Perhaps when we get home, we can all get together. Andie, his daughter, has seen pictures of you. She thinks you’re a real-life Barbie.”

“Iamkind of Barbie.”

“Foul-mouthed, Dirty Barbie. You need to behave in front of her. She’s only five years old.”

“Ha! Dirty Barbie. I’m telling Collin that one. He’ll love it.”
