Page 105 of Enchanted Ventures

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“You can’t control drones in the sky.”

“The hell I can’t. I won’t have you mistreated.”

“I’m not worried about it, Beckett. You can’t let it rain on your parade. I don’t want it to ruin the rest of our trip.”I lean into his chest, inhaling his scent. “I want to enjoy our last day here together.”


“I want to enjoy our last day here together.”

She has no clue what’s about to happen, but I won’t burst her bubble. If she wants a fun, happy last day, that’s what she’ll get.

I’m pretty sure I know what’s waiting for us when we get home. What have I done?



We’re on our flight home from Italy. I lean my head on his chest. “Thank you for inviting me. This was the best week of my life.”

He tucks my hair behind my ear. “More weeks like this to come. I promise.”

“I can’t wait to give Andie all her presents. Do you think she’ll like them?”

“She’ll love them.”

Nico interrupts us by whispering in Beckett’s ear. Beckett nods. “Grab us a few hats.”

“Yes, sir.”

He turns to me. “The press is camped out at the airport. The airport is going to give us as much security at they can spare, but with telephoto lenses, those fuckers will capture us. Thus far, they don’t have your name. It’s up to you how you want to handle things.”

“Why would they care about me? Why would they want my name?”

He blows out a breath. “After we met at Reagan’s party, you Googled me, right?”


“What did you find?”

“Articles about your business, the sale of your business, anda lotof photos of you with various women.”

“Right. Before I got married, there was a fascination with my dating life. I don’t understand it, but that’s why I have Nico. Back then, I had a much bigger security team because they were so intrusive in my life. After Jenny passed and I stopped attending things, the interest waned. That’s why it’s mostly been Nico for the past five or six years. Perhaps I made a mistake taking you to the event in Rome. I was just so excited for you to have that experience. But the press will now follow us. I’ve beefed up security, but I think I should get you your own guard that will stay with you full time.”

I let out a laugh. “What? That’s crazy. I don’t need a guard. Like you said in Rome, let them get a few pictures, and then they’ll move on to something more interesting. I don’t think we do anything so exciting it warrants being followed around. What about Andie?”

“She always has someone shadowing her. People are crazy, and I have a lot of money. I never wanted her to know, hoping she could have a normal life. Her guard stays in the shadows. Obviously, Nico also keeps an eye on her, but the other man stays at school and wherever Andie goes.”

Wow. I’m in shock. I had no idea.

We land and Beckett hands me a hat before placing one on his head. “Keep your head down as we walk to the car waiting for us.”

This seems like overkill, but I do as he asks. It turns outhe was right. There must be fifty men and women with huge cameras clicking away from just outside the landing strip fences. I hear them shouting questions. They’re definitely asking my name.

Beckett simply intertwines his fingers with mine as we walk to and get into the car. Nico must get our luggage because I feel it being loaded into the back of the car.

He turns to me. I can see the pain written all over his face. “Things are going to be different. Just remember that I’m still me and that I love you.”

I rub his worried face. “I see you, Beckett Windsor, and I love you too.”
