Page 23 of Enchanted Ventures

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“I mean it. I swear.” He paces for a few minutes, rubbing his big lips in thought.

I find myself mesmerized by it. He’s incredibly handsome. My memory didn’t do him justice, nor do the photos online. I know in this moment that I didn’t imagine the extreme attraction I had to him all those years ago. It’s as strong now as it was then. Maybe stronger now that I’m single.

At some point, he stops and turns to me. “I have an idea. What if I agree to introduce you to a few wealthy, well-known art collectors?” Before I can protest, he holds up hishands. “I’m only agreeing to make the introductions. It’s up to you and your work as to whether you complete the sales. They all know art very well. If they value your work, they’ll buy it. If not, they won’t. I promise not to attempt to sway them one way or the other. No charity. I’m simply getting them to the table for you to then take the lead. Our deal has nothing to do with them purchasing or not purchasing your work.” He smiles. “No prostitution-like scenarios here.”

Hmm. That does sound more reasonable. I think I can live with that. No one is being forced to buy anything. He’s just introducing me to the right people. An opportunity any artist in my position would give their right arm to have.

“What’s expected of me on the fake dating end of things?”

He blows out a long breath. “Honestly, I don’t know. It’s not like I planned this. I didn’t expect you to show up. I planned to use my daughter as an excuse for you not being around all month. Now my mother has invited you to lunch with her.”

“Your daughter is here?”


“Oh, Beckett. We can’t do this. Not when an innocent child is involved.”

He slowly nods. “You’re right. Have lunch with us. I’ll make up some excuse after you leave. I’m sorry I asked. I’m a bit of a mess right now.”

“Okay. Lunch I can do. After I leave, let your mom down easy.”

We walk back downstairs, and I can hear Glinda talking with a child in the kitchen. We walk in and I see Andie for the first time. She’s adorable. Besides her blueeyes, she looks nothing like Beckett. She’s got a darker complexion and much darker, curly hair.

As soon as she hears us, she turns our way, narrowing her eyes at me. “Who the hell are you?”

Beckett steps forward. “Mind your manners, Andie, and watch your mouth. This is my friend, Amanda. She’s joining us for lunch.”

Andie looks me up and down with pure venom. I can’t help but smile. That’s exactly how Jade spoke to and treated new people in our life when she was a little girl.

“It’s nice to meet you, Andie. I can’t wait to hear all about you.”

She crosses her arms. “When are you leaving?”

Glinda snaps her head at Andie. “Andrea Windsor! Do not speak to people like that!”

Andie cowers at her grandmother’s chastising and lowers her head. I walk over and crouch down, so we’re eye to eye. “It’s okay, Andie. My daughter didn’t like new people when she was your age either. She was protective of me like you are of your dad. I think it’s very sweet.”

Her face softens. “You have a daughter?”

I nod.

“How old is she?”


“What’s her name?”


“Is she pretty like you?”

I smile. “Thank you for saying I’m pretty. I think you’re pretty too.” I play with a strand of her hair. “I love your curls. And yes, she’s very pretty. Do you want to see a picture of her?”

She nods. “Okay.”

I take out my phone and pull up a picture of Jade. Andie’s eyes widen. “She looks like a Barbie doll.”

I let out a laugh. “You’re right. She does. People have been telling her that her whole life.”
