Page 40 of Enchanted Ventures

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“I need to be both mother and father to my daughter. I can’t do that and run one of the biggest companies in the world.”

“Just take a step back. Hire another CEO.”

I shake my head. “I’ll never be able to let go ofcontrol. I know myself. It’s best if I sell out. It’s not like I need the money.”

“I know, but you need to keep your wheels turning. At some point, you’ll need a life outside of Andie.”

“Sheismy life now.”

“Beckett, you’re young. I know you can’t imagine it now, but one day happiness will find you again.”

I look at her accusatorily. “Did it for you?”

“I never had it in the first place. Maybe one day my prince will come. I haven’t lost all faith.”

I sigh. “It took me over forty years to find Jenny. I’m not overly optimistic, but I can’t think of this right now.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m going to get some sleep. It’s been over forty-four years since I’ve done this. Do you want the first shift or the second tonight?”

“I’ll do both. I’m not sleeping anyway. You get a good night’s rest.”

“Are you sure?”


“Okay. I’ll see you in the morning. Karen is doing some grocery shopping. If you want anything specific, text her.”

I smile. “She knows everything I like.”

“I know she does. Good night. I love you.”

“Love you too. And Mom, thank you for being here.”

She nods and heads upstairs to her room. She’s my angel. I’ll never take her for granted again. I’ll never complain about her meddling in my life. I could never have survived this week without her.

I look down at my pinkie. Jenny’s wedding band and engagement ring have been there since they handed them to me at the hospital. I can’t seem to gather the courage to take them off.

I look up. “Why did you leave me, Jen? I need you. Andie needs you. It took me so long to find you.”

I was a bachelor for forty years. I made my first million by the age of twenty-one, and by twenty-five, I was listed among the wealthiest men in America. Every single day since, I’ve been unsure of people’s motives for getting close to me. Women were hanging all over me, but it was never about me, Beckett. It was about Beckett Windsor, the wealthy entrepreneur.

That’s until my sweet Jenny came along. Something felt different with her. I think I knew right away she was the one.

I rub my thumbs over the pads of my fingers. I can still feel her curls in my hands. The way her silky smooth body felt under mine. The awe I felt at seeing Andie grow inside her belly.

I squeeze my eyes shut. Is there any chance this is just a nightmare? Please let me wake up and it be over.

I open my eyes, but my reality doesn’t change. I’m a widower at forty-four with a newborn daughter. All the money in the world doesn’t mean anything if you don’t have someone to share it with. Someone to love.

I’ve got to stop this pity party. For my daughter’s sake, I need to focus on her. She’s going to get as much love from me as a child would normally get from both a mother and father. I will doanythingto make her happy. To fill the tremendous void she’ll feel growing up without a mother. I can’t imagine it. My mother did everything for me.

She’ll also now grow up without siblings. Just like me. I was dead set on giving my child a sibling. I always wanted one. I know my mom would have had more kids if she could have. Jenny and I talked about having another baby as soon as she was physically able. Having a stable, loving, big family was my dream. That dream is shattered too.

I decide to open Jenny’s laptop. There must be some odds and ends for me to tie up for her. I see a few pictures of us as her screensaver and smile. There are a bunch from when we were dating, our wedding, our honeymoon, and then nine months ago in Fiji where Andie was conceived.

I can still feel my wife’s soft body on my hard one as we made love on our private beach. Tears find my eyes again. I miss her.

I’m reading through a few new emails to see if there’s anyone left that doesn’t know what happened, when a message pops up on the screen.
