Page 61 of Enchanted Ventures

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We start to stand, but he holds up his hand. “Actually, I’d like to have a word with Amanda. Andrea, you head along. We’ll be there in a minute.”

When Andie leaves the room, Beckett’s father motions for me to sit, which I do. He closes the door to the room before turning back to me.

“Amanda, what’s your endgame with my son?”

“What do you mean?”

“Where do you see this going?”

“I don’t know. We’re dating. We’re getting to know each other.”

“You can’t possibly think that someone of Beckett’s stature could end up with a woman like you, do you?”

“That’s for Beckett and me to decide, not you.”

“I saw the way my son looks at you. I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all.”

He looks my body up and down in a lascivious manner and then adjusts himself. “Trust me, I understand the appeal. You’re an incredibly attractive woman. The kindyou enjoy a small handful of times at most.” He licks his lips. “Maybe even on the side of a marriage. But you, young lady, are not marriage material for people in Beckett’s world. He needs to present himself a certain way to society, and you’re most definitely not it. You’re too different. You must know that on some level. Run along before you get hurt. I’m only telling you this for your own good. I’m trying to spare you the eventual pain.”

Tears sting my eyes as he articulates insecurities that have run through my head many times over the past month.

“And what about Andrea? She needs to be raised by a proper woman so she can become one. Not a woman who undoubtedly grew up in a trailer park. If you care about them, do what’s best for both of them and leave now before anyone sinks deeper into this.”

Now the tears stream down my face. He’s right. I need to get out before we get any deeper. I’m falling for Beckett. I think he’s falling for me too. But I don’t belong in his world. We need to end this before someone gets hurt, especially Andie. She doesn’t deserve it.

He pulls out a checkbook. “Now, I bet I know what you really want. What will it take for you to walk away? Better yet, what will it take for you to walk away from Beckett but then perhaps be available to me a night or two a week?”

I stand and gather myself, wiping away the tears. “I’m not for sale. You can shove your money up your pretentious asshole. Go to hell.”

I open the door and walk out. Beckett is standing there. He undoubtedly notices my teary eyes and looks concerned. “Is everything okay?”

I swallow down the pain, not wanting to cause any kind of scene. “Yep. Fine.”

He reluctantly nods. “People are leaving. We should get Andie settled and then head out.”

I forgot she was staying here. “Let’s take her with us.”

“No, it’s her one time with my father a month. It’s important.”

“Beckett, I don’t want her staying in this place. It’s not best for her.”

He stiffens. “You’ll have to remind me when Andie’s parenting became a joint venture for us. You have no say in this matter. You’re not her mother, you never will be. She’s staying.”

I think that hurts more than anything his asshole father just said to me. I hold back my tears as I wordlessly nod and make my way to Andie.

I crouch down and hug her. I know this is likely the last time I’ll see her. I squeeze her tight. “I’ll really miss you.”

She hugs me back. “I’ll miss you too, but I’ll see you in two days, right?”

I can’t lie to her, and I can’t hold back the tears. I manage to croak out, “Have the best time with Gigi in New York. You’re so lucky to have her.”

She pulls back and wipes my tears from my face with her little fingers. “Don’t cry, I’ll be home soon. We can paint together when I get home, I promise.”

I stand and Beckett says his goodbyes to her.

I take in her adorable face one last time before we head out the door.

