Page 62 of Enchanted Ventures

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Amanda was silent the entire ride home. Something has shifted between us, and not for the better.

We pull into the driveway of my house. I turn to apologize for snapping at her, but she doesn’t listen and immediately gets out of the car and walks quickly toward the front door.

As soon as it opens, she practically sprints upstairs.

Mom walks out of the family room, her favorite spot in the house. “Where’s Amanda?”

“She ran upstairs. Something is wrong. She was upset when she left a room she had been in with Dad. Then she basically demanded that Andie not sleep there.”

Mom looks behind me, noticing no Andie. “What did you say to upset her after your father quite obviously was rude to her?”

I mumble, “Something about her not being Andie’s mother and having no say.”

“Oh, Beckett. You’re a fool.” She points toward the stairs. “Go up there and make this right. Don’t ruin the best thing that’s ever happened to you.”

I nod. “You’re right.”

I run up the stairs, two at a time. When I enter the bedroom, she’s frantically packing her bags.

“What are you doing?”

Her head is down in her bags. “I’m packing. Our deal is over tomorrow. Your mom is flying out and I’m meeting with the final buyer. I’m heading home after dinner.”

“I don’t want you to leave.”

She turns her head and I see her tear-stained face. “It’s time for me to go. I don’t belong here.”

“What about us?”

“There is no us. You’re a fantasy for me, not reality. We come from two different worlds. Two worlds that can’t mix.”

“That’s bullshit. What did my father say to you?”

“Nothing I didn’t know deep inside.”

She walks into the bathroom and closes the door, walking out a few minutes later in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. She’s never worn that much clothing to bed before. It’s always a T-shirt and small shorts. She’s blocking me from her body.

Without another word, she climbs into bed and turns the other way.

I wakein the morning to an empty bed. I quietly walk downstairs, seeing Mom’s bags by the door. Every time she leaves it’s like a double-edged sword. I’ll miss having her around, but it’s nice to get a little privacy back.

I hear Amanda and my mother in the kitchen. Drinking coffee together and talking has become their early morning ritual.

I move closer so I can hear what they’re saying.

Amanda says, “I’ll really miss you, Glinda. No matter what happens, can we still be friends?”

“Of course, sweetie, but nothing is going to happen. Beckett wants and needs you in his life. So does Andie.”

It’s silent for a moment before I hear Mom say, “Don’t cry. Everything will be okay.”

Amanda sniffles. “We’re too different, Glinda. I don’t belong in this crazy house in this crazy world. I’m a jeans and T-shirt girl. I’m happy with a book and fireplace or family game night, not some fancy dinner party full of snotty assholes.”

Mom lets out a laugh. “Now you know why I wassicklast night.”

“It made me sick to be there. Sorry, but your ex-husband is the biggest dickhead I’ve ever met. I’m not sure how you were married to him.”

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