Page 116 of Punk-In

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I shook my head at his pouty expression. “Poor baby.”

“And now she’s making me dinner.”

“Câlisse, you’re spoiled.”

“I know,” he smirked. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well.”

“Doubtful. One, you’re not here, and two, all I can do now is stare at your sexy body on the wall.”

“Next time, it’ll be the real thing.”

“Looking forward to it.”

After I hung up, I unpacked my suitcases, sorted my clothes, and did my laundry.

Four loads later, I re-packed, ordered a pizza, ate half of it, and zonked out on my couch.

* * *

I woke up the next morning at nine a.m. to a barrage of texts from Brodie.

Brodie: We spent one night together, and now I hate sleeping without you. I keep waking up and wondering where you are.

Brodie: Dawson is picking you up in an hour

Brodie: You’re still coming, right?

Instead of texting, I called.

“Morning,mon coeur,” I greeted in my gruff morning voice.

“It is now. Did you just wake up?”

I rubbed my eyes. “I did. Normally, I’m up at six, but I guess I needed the sleep.”

“Are you gonna be ready in time? Dawson will be arriving at your place in half an hour.”

“Shit, shower, and shave in under twenty,” I blurted out.

Brodie’s responding chuckle had a shiver running through me.

“Why does everything feel so natural between us?” I asked, my tone suddenly serious.

“It’s always been that way. Our being intimate hasn’t changed anything. You’re surprised?”

“A bit.” I paused and scratched my scruff. “When I dated women, I always felt oddly on edge. Like, I wasn’t sure what to say or what not to say. And I didn’t quite know how to relax around them or what they were thinking. I don’t really know how else to explain it. But with you, I can just be me. Is that weird?”

“Not at all. First off, we’re friends, and there’s a level of comfort there. We’ve both seen each other at our best and our worst. And however you define what we are, I think gender isn’t the biggest part of it. We see each other, and I don’t just mean our physical forms. Whether we’re face to face or texting or on stage the other night, I always feel our connection.”

“I feel it too,” I admitted, suddenly overcome with emotion. “And that’s very deep for first thing in the morning.”

“I’ve been awake for two hours. And being all alone in my big empty house gives me a lot of time to think. Mostly about you.”

“I’m going to get up now. Because the sooner I get ready, the faster I get to you.”

“I’ll see you soon.”

I hung up and all but ran into my bathroom.
