Page 9 of Cyclone

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“I will. Which is why I’m going to get her.”

Before Zora could continue to chastise me, my phone buzzed in my back pocket. Being tied to a fucking phone was one thing about being vice president I fucking hated. With an annoyed huff, I pulled the thing out and checked the screen… and frowned.

“Data?” I turned the screen so he could see the number calling me. “That Willa’s number?”

His eyes widened but it was Zora who answered me. “Yes, that’s her. Answer it, Cyclone.” It was a command, pure and simple.

I gave her a look but answered the call. “Willa?”

There was a silence before she spoke. “Uh, Bohannon?”

“No, honey. It’s Cyclone.”

“Daniel? Why are you answering Bohannon’s phone?” I remember chastising the club girl for using my given name the night of the party. It never occurred to me to even correct Willa.

“It’s the club phone, honey. I got it when I was elected vice president. You good?” It was a testament to how off-balance she was that she called me Daniel instead of Cyclone. She definitely wasn’t expecting me to answer.

“Déjà vu,” she muttered before replying in a stronger voice. “Yes. I’m good. I, uh, need someone to, uh,” she cleared her throat, “come to North Carolina and pick me up.”

“Yeah. I know. Your mom got worried when she found you were gone, so Data tracked your phone. What the hell were you thinking, going that fast? And in North Carolina?”

“I’m sorry, OK?” She raised her voice, but I could hear the slight wobble. “I didn’t mean to. I had a lot on my mind and was just… driving.”

“Cyclone…” Data stood and gripped my shoulder. “Rein it in or give me the fuckin’ phone.”

He looked as furious as I felt. Both of us were angry at me. I took a deep breath. “Sorry, Willa.”

“Can you just tell Calliope or Cotton I need their help, please? I tried to call both of them, but it went straight to voicemail.”

“Yeah, they’ve gone to Evansville to be with Blossom after she has that surgery on her foot.”

“Shit. I forgot.” She sighed heavily before continuing. “Would you mind maybe telling my dad? I didn’t want to call him and Mom, but I’m not sure they’ll let me call someone else since I actually talked to someone this time.”

“I’m leaving in fifteen minutes to come after you, honey. Data’s gonna work on getting you out and to a hotel. You can rest and get something to eat while I get there. Then I’ll bring you home.”

There was a pause. “I don’t want you coming for me, Cyclone.” There was a slight wobble to her voice, but she sounded almost angry as she made her wishes known. “Please send someone else.”

“Sorry, honey. It’s me you’re gettin’. Just sit tight. I’ll get you home. And we’ve got a lot to talk about.”

I caught a muttered, “Stubborn bastard,” before I ended the call. I shot off a text to Ice. He needed to know where I was going. Then I turned my attention back to Data. “Once you have arrangements made, send it to my phone. I’ll also need an address to put in my maps.”

“All over it.”

“Cyclone.” Zora wasn’t letting me ignore her no matter how badly I wanted to. “You hurt her again, I won’t go to Ice or even Trucker. I’ll go straight to Helen. After everything she’d had to go through to get Willa into this world…” Zora closed her eyes and inhaled for patience. Even I could see how she was trying to hold on to her temper. “Then to have the threat of her own personal monster coming back for her and the baby? Helen was so traumatized she wouldn’t even name the child for fear of the bad luck it might bring them both. Well, if you think you’re gonna be in trouble with Trucker, just wait until Helen gets ahold of you.”

“Yeah. Copy that.” I tried to keep the bite out of my voice. I figured I’d already pushed it far enough with the woman. Data would only let me get by with so much. I shook my head. “Sorry, Zora. I’m only irritated at you because you’re a hundred percent right.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Oh, I know. At least you better know. I’m not saying you have to make Willa your old lady or anything. But you need to respect her. No matter how uncomfortable you are with what happened. Have you even checked on her since then?”

I winced. “No. Tried to keep my distance.”

“I see. I suppose you did it because you believe you’re so irresistible to women she’ll cling or something. Got news for you, big guy. You’re not nearly as magnetic as you want to think. Most of the women here want you because of the power you represent, but I think you know that.”

“I don’t need a lecture from you, Zora. I’m aware the club girls see a single vice president as their ticket to ruling the roost around here. And, no, I don’t want a woman of my own. Not yet anyway. I’ve got to establish myself as an authority figure in Bones, as well as learn a whole helluva lot before I even think about bringing a woman into my life permanently.”

“Did she indicate she expected more from you than one night?” Zora wasn’t letting this go. She intended to drive her point home and I honestly couldn’t blame her.

“No. She didn’t. And you’re right. I should have checked on her. I offered help if she needed it, but I should have followed up and made sure she was all right.”
