Page 29 of Saving Finley

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At least they had left her alive, thank God. How badly they hurt her would be assessed after they got out. Cash left her on the floor where she sat for the time being while Levi did his thing.

“At least I’m alive.”

“Yes baby, you are,” answered Cash. He touched her arm and she hissed.

“Fuck, man, don’t hurt her more,” said Levi. Cash ignored him. He wasn’t sure there was any place that wasn’t hurt on his baby. Levi was stressed. They all were.

Jac got into Finley’s line of sight. “Are you alone?”

“Yes, thank God. Storm?”

Jac smiled. “At home, which is where you are going just as soon as our man Levi unhooks you.”

“I’ll need wire clippers, screwdriver, and a knife.” Both appeared instantly. “Thanks. Now clear out. If you’re staying Cash, you’ll have to be my second set of eyes. Mine don’t work as well as they usually do.”

“Shit. I forgot. I’ll play second. Tell me what you need.”

The team was still cautious and cleared the building before their guard was dropped a degree. The rest of the team surrounded Cash, Levi and Finley, who tried valiantly to cry silently. The only real evidence was the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Finley spoke, but it was obvious she was in considerable pain. “He’s gone. He left two at the gas station and the driver rushed to the van and left. Storm? Is he alright? Did you find Darcy?”

“I promise he’s fine,” said Jac gently, casting a cautious look at Levi. “Yes, we found Darcy. Tell me how bad you’re hurt?”

“Not as bad as you’d think. Is this someone’s idea of a game? All that was left was this one guy, the driver, and no one was here when we got here. Evidently, that wasn’t to plan either. He just hightailed it out of here after he took his frustrations out on me and tied me up.”

“Thank God you’re okay,” Jac said. “We have so much to talk about, but right now, we need to get you out of here.”

After a few more moments of work, Levi shook his head. “Fuckers. It’s dead. The box is dead. Nothing in it. No detonator, no nothing.” He pulled the wires out of the connectors.

“Let’s take it all. Maybe he left prints,” said Garrett.

Cash tried to help her stand, but the anguished cry said it all. “Let’s get her out of here. Guess it’s the cradle carry for you, Fin.”

Carter grinned. “That’s my call to duty.”

“No, just help me up again. I can do it. I can walk.” Finley tried and gasped.

“Okay, you tried, baby,” said Levi. “Now let Carter help.”

They all knew Carter was their Goliath, and they didn’t have any shame for using him that way. Cash helped her to stabilize herself, cringing when she whimpered. Carter helped her to settle into his arms as he walked her to the vehicles. Levi sighed. He was so happy she was well and alive, and he was so damn tired. Cash walked ahead, doing his best to clear the path. Levi was beside Callie on one side and Monroe on the other side of Carter. The rest covered the protection in front and back of the group.

Once they redistributed in the SUVs Carter driving Levi, Cash, Monroe and Finley, and had pulled out, Monroe started to work on Finley. Her exhaustion was easy to read.

“Let me see you,” Monroe murmured, kneeling beside Finley to assess her injuries. His hands moved quickly yet gently, checking for broken bones and wounds.

As Monroe quickly assessed Finley, Callie’s voice came over the radio. “We need to get everyone out of here. I saw movement in the trees where we just left,” she declared, her voice firm but laced with concern.

Garrett and Jac spoke at the same time. “Watch for tails.”

“Or interceptions,” said Mark.

Levi nodded, his thoughts a whirlwind of emotions–relief, anger, and a fierce protectiveness for Finley. He looked over and saw Cash was feeling it, too.

“You have company,” said Sharlee. Her tone was urgent.

“I’m okay. Just get us out of here,” said Finley, her voice full of her fear.

Monroe spoke into the Bluetooth connection. “Roger that. We’ll have to finish the assessment for everyone once we are out.”
