Page 22 of Saving Becky

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“Fine, not entirely because of that. I had thought walking in the brisk air would sober me up so I wouldn’t be all headachy and moody when you finally got home. And then you wouldn’t ask me how much I’d drank, and I wouldn’t have to tell you.”

“Is that the only reason?”

“And I was irritated with you because you didn’t follow me out of the office when I left from work.”

“I regret that. It won’t be happening again. Another reason why you didn’t call me for a pick up. So, tell me now. How much did you drink?” His voice had deepened, and he felt her shiver. Good place for her mind to be, under her Dom’s control. He encouraged her. “Go on.”

“I don’t remember.” Carter could hear the quality of her voice change.

He hardened his tone. “Tell me what you remember. Be honest here.”

“Um, I remember four or five.”

“Which means you probably had more. Don’t we have a rule that if we are not together, you can only have three unless you are staying over?”

“But I was with the girls.”

“Yep, and you should have let someone take you home. So, that whole fiasco costs you ten.”


“For a week.”

Becky gasped in surprise. “What? No way.”

Carter continued with a pained look in his eye as he remembered the night before. “Baby Bear, when no one at Kaden’s could find you, they called me. Luckily I was on my way to pick you up anyway, so I was here quickly. We were all looking for you. They’d checked the house but could easily see no one was home. So, they began to walk the area, starting from Kaden’s place toward our house when your call came through. They’d already passed you.”

Carter took a moment to stave off the fear that had overcome him when he thought something terrible had happened to her followed by the realization that something had. As it was, she could have frozen to death or suffocated in the snowbank. He could have lost her. It wasn’t something he could think about for long, or he’d wrap her up in bubble wrap, in a padded safe room when he wasn’t around to personally protect her.

“There are going to be consequences for that little drama. Not the accident but the trying to walk home in the first place, which allowed everything else to happen.”

“Are you saying it was my fault?” asked an annoyed Becky.

Carter ran his hands through his hair and took a deep breath. If this was going to work, honesty in communication and a strong reality check would be in order. He chose his words carefully.

“I’m saying if you intend to be reckless with my baby, there are going to be some consequences that you might not expect but should. You could have died. The person most important in my life would have been gone due to her choices. That is unacceptable. I love you. You say you love me and if that is true, you will do all you can to protect that love by being safe.”

Becky’s soft sniffles could be heard. He kissed the top of her head again. He loved this woman more than life itself, but the lesson had to be learned well.

“Don’t you think you deserve to feel Daddy’s hand on your bottom? Spanking you hard so you know I love you and don’t want anything to happen to you? To remind you that whenever you want to do something unsafe, you will remember the heat of your little backside as you felt the sting of my hand landing on your ass cheeks for seven straight days to remind you? I’ll hold your hands fast so there is no covering. Your control will be gone. Then Daddy will slap your bottom hard, leaving his handprint to remind you that I love you and you are precious to me. And that you are never to put yourself in danger again.”

He could feel her ass cheeks twitching and thought the expectation would be worse than the spanking, so he’d let her sit with that vision until the headache was gone for good. The anticipation would be an incredibly horrible pre-consequence mind fuck.

And a huge sexual turn on. The moan told him she was aroused now with just a little erotic talk about what he would do to her. He could keep that up throughout the next few days. He wouldn’t take her until that headache was gone, either, so she would be as miserable or more, as if he were edging her. She would be so needy by the time they got down to business, she would be butter in his hand. Yeah, by the time her punishment actually happened, she’d be begging him to spank her. Maybe he was a little sadistic at heart.

Time to put his girl down for a nap. She was tired and the guys would be coming over later this afternoon, to see what they could piece together of the incident. She needed to be rested. Her headache was better, but the more she rested, the better it would be. He’d dropped the ball in their relationship, but he was determined to pick it back up.

Later that afternoon, after Becky got up from her nap, Jac and the guys all came over to discuss what Becky knew or didn’t know and to try to solve this mystery. Their closest neighbors were Kaden and Ivy, and they watched their video during the event.

Kaden pointed out several big personal trucks driving past during that short block of time. “Becky, you’re sure it was a POV?”

“Diesel. I remember the sound was huge, and the truck was huge but not a snow truck, more like one of those monster trucks. Like Carter’s truck.”

Kaden ran the video until it came to the time frame she was on the road, and then he slowed it down. “Any of these?”

As each truck passed, she shook her head. Then one showed on the monitor, and Becky yelled. “Stop. Stop. That’s it. That big white truck. See, it has a snow blade on front.”

Kaden began tapping on his tablet. Sharlee, online with her big computer brain at home, started clicking her keys, and soon images began to appear on one of the triple set of computer monitors that Carter had in his home office. It could be overwhelming at times, but, like Jac, his office was large, his computer was massive, and, of course, the monitors had to match.
