Page 110 of Sinners are Winners

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I could feel my slickness on my thighs as I walked, and that only turned me on all the more.

I got back onto my side of the bed and quickly shuffled under the covers.

What I did not do was recover Lock.

Instead I scooted closer to his side.

He automatically adjusted his body when I got closer, moving his body so that I was touching him from shoulder to knee.

I moved even closer until my naked body was pressed up against his, then readjusted the blanket to suit my needs. Keeping myself mostly covered while keeping him mostly uncovered.

Then I let my fingers drift over his body, touching his nipples and running along his abs.

His breath hitched once, but otherwise he stayed asleep, breathing easy.

Keeping an eye on his face as I moved my hand, I slowly curled it around his shaft and squeezed.

A groan left his body and he moved, his legs spreading wider while his arms moved down.

One went absently around my body while the other came down to rest on the bed beside his big body.

The sheet was now down around his knees and doing nothing to shield him from my gaze any longer.

I reluctantly pried my eyes away from Lock’s face and allowed my gaze to sweep over him as I slowly worked my hand up and down the length of his cock.

It hadn’t taken much for him to get hard once my hand was on him, but I still worked him slowly, trying to keep him asleep for some reason.

I worked him in slow, soft strokes, moving my hand so slowly that my entire arm ached with the machinations.

At one point, I had no other choice but to let him go or my arm would fall off.

So, I did.

And when I did, I allowed myself to look my fill as his cock stood stiff and ready exactly where I’d left it.

There was no leaning to the side or sagging for him. No, Lock’s cock was so hard and stiff that it didn’t even bob. It stayed exactly where I’d left it, so hot and rigid that it practically invited me to lick it.

I would have, too.

Except he didn’t stay asleep.

It wasn’t until he woke, his throaty groan making my thighs clench, that I realized why I wanted him to stay asleep.

If he was asleep, I was in charge.

The moment he woke, though?

Yeah, power definitely switched to Lock’s favor.

It took him all of two seconds to comprehend what was going on.

One second, he was on his back, my hand on his cock, and the next I was on my back, and Lock was sucking one of my nipples between his lips.

My eyes nearly rolled back into my head when I felt the delicious tug on the sensitive peak.

“Spread your legs wider, baby,” he ordered when I momentarily lost focus on what I was doing.

I did, and his hips fell in between mine—right where they were always meant to be.
