Page 117 of Sinners are Winners

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I had no doubt in my mind.


Hours later, palms damp from nerves, I sat on the porch with Kettle and tried to psych myself up to tell him the words that I’d been planning since I’d purchased the ring with my mother earlier in the day.

“You’re making me have a headache, kid,” Kettle said. “Just spit it out already.”

I snorted.

“What makes you think I have something to say?” I wondered.

He gave me a dry look.

“You’ve been fingering a goddamn wedding ring for the last twenty minutes,” he said. “Don’t you think that I can put two and two together?”

I looked down at my shorts.

Saylor had told me that the material was a little thin.

I guess I was lucky he was noticing the ring in my pocket, and not my dick like she did.

“I had planned on going through this big spiel about why I was perfect for spending the rest of my life with her,” I said. “How I’d be there forever until the day that I took my last breath.”

Kettle chuckled low under his breath.

“Do you think I would’ve left you with her over the last couple of weeks had I not trusted you?” he asked. “I knew that the pool house was just a temporary thing. I could see how y’all looked at each other. I’m not blind.”

No, he wasn’t.

“I didn’t see it yet,” I admitted. “I just knew that I wanted—no, needed—her to stay.”

“You have it,” he suddenly said. “But I swear to God, kid.” His eyes lifted up to meet mine, sparkling black in the near darkness. “If you hurt her? There’s not a single place on this Earth that you can hide,” he promised. “I’ll find you, and I’ll shred the meat from your bones with my bare hands.”

I had no doubt in my mind that he would.

Maybe not all the way, but he’d find a way to fuck me up if I ever hurt his kid.

I could read the promise in his eyes.

He wasn’t kidding.

And I respected him for that, because I loved his daughter, and I loved that she had someone like that in her court.

“I won’t hurt her,” I promised.

He snorted. “You will. We always do. But just don’t make that hurt big enough that she ever comes crying to me about it. Because I can and will act on it.”

My lips tipped up at one corner in a smirk.

“Thank you,” I said, standing up and offering the man my hand.

Kettle took it, squeezing harder than necessary, before letting me go.

“And you may be sleeping in her room with her,” he said. “But if I hear any goddamn thing at all, I’ll shoot your dick off. No exaggeration.”

I left him laughing on the front porch and knew that he wasn’t kidding.

Thoughts of my dick being shot off aside, I liked Kettle.
