Page 129 of Sinners are Winners

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I snorted, then pressed up on my toes and kissed him hard.

“Just don’t fuck up tomorrow, and I’ll be okay.”


The next morning, I was searching online for a birthday present for my youngest daughter, Alicia, and enjoying the blissful silence of having no kids screaming when a text message popped up on my computer.

I’d bought a new iMac a few months ago, and now when I was on it, all of my husband’s and my text messages were received on not only our phones but the computer as well.

Josh: are you here yet?

My heart sank.

I stood up to go to my husband when I heard a thud and a curse, followed by a yelp from a startled dog.

Moments later, Lock came tearing out of the room.

“I fucked up bad!” he yelled, likely waking up every kid and dog in the house, as he jumped on one foot to slip into his sock. “The tournament is today. I thought it was tomorrow. I’m going to be so fucking late.”

Yep. That was my heart by my knees.


He was gone, though.

Running around the house, making coffee, a mess, and leaving shit all where it didn’t belong before tearing out of the door without a single goodbye.

Not even a kiss or an ‘I love you.’

A single tear rolled down my cheeks, and I dashed it away.

He didn’t know.

He didn’t remember.

It’ll be okay.

The door leading to my children’s side of the house opened, and my baby girl smiled wide when she saw me.

“Happy Anniversary, Mama.” Alicia practically hopped out of her room in excitement.

I swallowed hard. “Thank you, baby.”


Deciding to make the best of things, I canceled altogether with our parents.

They understood, and were still in town, but they’d decided to go out on a double date together that included a police and fire function at the local PD.

“Mom,” Lachlan mumbled. “What’s the limit on the amount I can spend?”

I snorted.

“It’s my anniversary, and your father is paying,” I said. “So, there is no limit…just try not to buy out the store.”

So that was exactly what we did.

The children all chose hilariously expensive toys, and I bought them all with the money that Lock failed to use for my anniversary gift.
