Page 19 of Sinners are Winners

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I pointed at his double ovens.

“You can turn those on to three-fifty,” I said as I started measuring out my dry ingredients. “And you don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to.”

He shook his head and walked over to his double ovens, turning both on.

I took the moment to check out his fine ass, and the muscles in his back that rippled beneath his t-shirt.

Jesus, it’d been six months, and the man hadn’t changed a bit.

Me, on the other hand? I’d gained fifteen pounds, going on twenty.

I’d refused to step on the scale before I’d left this morning, and based on what I’d had for dinner last night with Royal and Justice, I definitely wasn’t losing any.

“I don’t mind,” he said. “And I’ll probably leave at some point. But for now, it’s definitely interesting.” He paused. “I think you’re the first person to actually cook in the kitchen, to be honest. I’ve had the kitchen done for going on four months now, and the only thing I’ve done in it is boil water for Ramen Noodles.”

I smiled.

“That makes me happy, breaking your kitchen’s cherry,” I teased. “Hey, did you hear that Tad was sentenced to anger management classes?”

He frowned.

“No,” he said. “I would’ve thought he would’ve gotten more. That’s just a slap on the wrist.”

“Apparently he’s ‘normally not quite so volatile’ and an ‘upstanding citizen.’” I did finger quotes in the air. “And honestly, maybe he is. That man that was at that baseball game with me wasn’t the one I agreed to go out on a date with.”

“Maybe he has multiple personalities, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” he offered. “He didn’t even get community service or anything?”

I shook my head.

“Apparently, he already volunteers a lot of his time at a local underprivileged youth shelter,” I said. “He does over thirty hours there every two weeks. He has documented proof, too.”

“Huh,” he said. “Interesting.”

It was.

“I wonder what the fuck happened with him that day?” I said. “But the good thing is, he’s left me alone. Despite him being quite close to me.”

“How close?” he asked as he watched me measure the vanilla with rapt attention.

“Couple of blocks,” I answered almost absently. “That wouldn’t have been that bad, but he also works in the building across the street from me.”

“Did you know this when you agreed to a date?” he asked curiously.

I shook my head. “Not when I agreed, no. But when he picked me up for the date, he told me that he and a friend worked out of the building across the street. They’re computer techs or something.”

Lock grunted.

“I love dabbling in computers,” he admitted. “Fuckin’ sucks that we have something in common.”

I grinned up at him before going back to my eggs.

“What are you doing?” he asked as he watched me.

“Separating the egg whites from the yolks,” I said. “This recipe calls for five eggs, and four egg yolks.”

He grunted.

“That’s a lot of fuckin’ eggs,” he said.
