Page 49 of Sinners are Winners

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He was still staring me down as if I had committed the ultimate sin.

Which, in part, I had.

I’d kissed his daughter.

At least, that was all he’d known that I did.

I’d done much more than that just a few short minutes ago.

“My father is withholding whatever food he got me because he’s mad at Lock for kissing me on national television six whole months ago,” Saylor offered.

Adeline snorted and turned to the woman at Trance’s side. Her name was Viddy. Viddy and Trance were the parents of another buddy of mine’s woman, Oakley. Pace, my buddy, had donated a kidney to Oakley a few months ago. And it was a wonder that I hadn’t met the bunch before now.

“How’s the motorcycle treating you?”

I turned to find Justice’s dad, Loki, walking up with his wife, Channing, in tow.

I grinned and offered him my hand.

“Good,” I admitted. “I had to take the truck today since I was transporting a cake.”

“Yours?” Loki asked, his eyes moving to Saylor.

“Yep.” Saylor nodded once. “My last one before I move.”

I felt something inside of me shift at her words.

I didn’t want her to go.

More importantly, I didn’t think that leaving was the answer just yet.

Even though she was set to leave tomorrow morning.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, my mother’s text alert, and I froze.

“Something wrong?”

I looked up to see Kettle staring at me as if he noticed my body stilling.

“No,” I admitted. “My mom texted me.”

I tapped my pocket.

“Answer it,” he suggested.

I knew why he was wanting me to answer it.

He wanted me away from his daughter.

I felt my lips tip up at the edges as I nodded once. “Yeah, I think I need to.”

My eyes never left Kettle’s, though.

A challenge.

“We’ll head inside,” Saylor suggested. “I have to make sure the cake is set up okay anyway.”

With that, Saylor hooked her arm around her father’s and started to tug him inside, but she did look over her shoulder once to say goodbye.
