Page 53 of Sinners are Winners

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“I didn’t realize that you were an ultrasound technician until the day we were making cakes.” He paused. “And it didn’t even occur to me until yesterday, when my mom called bitching about her new hire quitting, that I could get y’all in touch.”

My heart started to pound.

“I went to talk to her last night. Told her about you.” He grinned. “And she has no problem hiring someone that junk-punched her date on national television.”

I burst out laughing.

I couldn’t help it.

But then I sobered and wiped my eyes.

“I can’t,” I said to Lock. “As much as I’d like to, I have to move out of the apartment. They’ve already signed the lease with someone else.”

He frowned, looking thoughtful for a second.

“I have a pool house,” he said. “It’s not nice by any means…but it’ll do until you can find yourself another place.”

That was when my dad pulled up in his truck, hauling a U-Haul behind it.

Lock’s eyes moved to the moving truck, then back to me.

“Don’t go,” he said softly.

I didn’t want to go.

I wanted to stay.

“If I stay…will I get to see you a lot? I mean, your mom does work there,” I hedged.

Will we be able to see each other and spend time with each other? Date?

He seemed to read between the lines, but he teased me anyway.

“I don’t often go over there,” he admitted. “It’s not really a place that single men like me go. There are a bunch of hormonal, pregnant women and their families there. It’s kind of the last place that I’d really want to be.”

“Are you?” I found myself asking.

“Am I what?” he wondered.


His grin went into a full-blown smile that took my breath away.

“Not if you don’t want me to be,” he said.

No, I definitely didn’t want him to be.

But then I started thinking about living at his place.

“I don’t know if moving into your place is a great idea,” I admitted. “If I’m working with your mom and living in your pool house…”

He seemed to read between the lines.

“Then we’ll wait until you’re moved out,” he suggested.

Was that all it took?

