Page 37 of For Now

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"Maybe we should split up," Derik suggested, his voice tense and focused. "We could cover more ground that way."

"Wait," Morgan whispered, gripping his arm as she caught sight of a figure turning the corner ahead of them. The man matched Johnny's description, right down to the dark, slicked-back hair and the nervous energy in his gait. "There he is."

"Are you sure?" Derik asked as they exchanged a determined nod, making their way through the sea of pedestrians.

"Positive," Morgan replied, adrenaline coursing through her veins. As they approached the suspect, her mind raced with plans for extracting the information they needed. Would he cooperate? Or would he prove to be just as elusive as the answers they sought?

"Johnny!" Derik called out, his voice cutting through the noise of the busy street.

The man glanced over his shoulder, his eyes widening with panic as he spotted Morgan and Derik closing in on him. In an instant, he broke into a sprint, shoving people aside as he desperately tried to escape.

"Damn it!" Morgan cursed under her breath, pushing herself to keep up with Johnny's frantic pace. Her lungs burned, and her legs ached, but she refused to let him slip away.

"Stay on him!" Derik yelled, his own breath labored but determination etched on his face.

As they weaved through the crowd, Morgan's thoughts raced along with her feet. What was Johnny hiding? Was he truly connected to the murders, or was this all just a wild goose chase? Despite her lingering doubts, one thing was clear: they couldn't afford to let him get away.

"Stop him!" Derik shouted, drawing attention from startled passersby. "FBI!"

Morgan gritted her teeth and poured every ounce of energy into the chase, her heart pounding in time with Johnny's footfalls.

Whatever secrets he held, she was determined to uncover them – regardless of the cost.


Johnny's sprint led them into the heart of downtown Dallas, the cacophony of car horns and street chatter melding into a chaotic symphony. Morgan's heart thudded in her chest as she chased after him, her eyes locked on his retreating figure.

"Out of the way!" Derik yelled, his voice strained as he struggled to keep pace with Morgan.

"Damn it, Johnny! Stop!" Morgan shouted, her words swallowed by the noise of the city.

But Johnny showed no signs of slowing down. Instead, he recklessly darted between cars, narrowly avoiding collisions as he barreled through the busy streets. Morgan and Derik followed suit, their adrenaline-fueled determination propelling them forward.

"Derik, stay close!" Morgan panted, her mind racing with questions. Why was Johnny running? Was he truly responsible for the murders?

"Trying my best!" Derik called back, sweat dripping down his face as they forged ahead.

Morgan's legs burned with each stride, but she refused to falter. The chase took them down alleys and across busy intersections, their quarry always just out of reach. Onlookers gaped at the spectacle, their faces blurs in Morgan's peripheral vision.

"Watch out!" Derik shouted as Johnny leaped over a pile of debris, his agility catching them off guard. Morgan gritted her teeth, launching herself over the obstacle with a grunt.

"Come on, Morgan, you got this!" She thought to herself, drawing from the well of strength she'd cultivated during her time in prison.

"Almost there!" Derik huffed, his eyes never leaving Johnny.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the city lights cast a kaleidoscope of colors onto the pavement, painting the chase with a surreal glow. Morgan's lungs screamed for air, but she pushed through the pain, her single-minded focus on catching Johnny overriding all else.

"Where do you think you're going?" Morgan growled under her breath, anger and desperation fueling her pursuit.

"Let's end this, Johnny," Derik muttered, his voice barely audible over the din of the city.

Morgan nodded, steeling herself for the final push. They had to catch him – not just for the victims, but for themselves. It was time to bring this twisted game to an end.

They darted down a narrow alley. Morgan and Derik closed in on Johnny. The young man, cornered and gasping for breath, realized there was no way out.

"Give it up, Johnny," Morgan commanded, her voice low and intense. "You're not getting away this time."

"Please, I didn't do anything wrong!" Johnny pleaded, his eyes darting between the two agents like a caged animal.
