Page 47 of For Now

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"Besides, Derik," she said softly, eyes fixed on the bustling scene around them. "You would've done the same for me."

"Of course," he replied, his voice rough with emotion. "No question."

Morgan could feel the raw honesty in his words, and it struck a chord within her. The fear of losing him had been all too real, and yet, here they were—still standing, still partners. The thought brought an odd sense of comfort amidst the chaos.

"Thank you," she murmured, the words barely audible even to herself. "For everything."

With a sudden bout of courage, Morgan hesitated for only a moment before closing the distance between them and wrapping her arms around Derik. She felt his muscles tense in surprise before he slowly relaxed into the embrace, his own arms coming up to hold her.

"Thank you," he whispered into her hair. "For letting me be here."

In that brief moment, as they clung to each other amidst the wreckage of shattered lives and broken dreams, Morgan finally allowed herself to acknowledge the depth of her feelings for Derik. Though the weight of his previous betrayal was undeniable, she couldn't deny the fact that she still cared for him—perhaps more than she'd ever care to admit.

"Partners," she whispered, pulling away from their embrace. Morgan could hardly believe she was opening up to him again—and maybe she was delirious, and would regret it later, but in the moment, it felt right.

But she was definitely exhausted and needed to get some real sleep for the first time in days. This case had been stressful, as they all were… Morgan just hoped she wasn’t making a mistake by letting Derik in again, even a little.

"Alright, I'm heading home. I'm exhausted," Morgan said, rubbing her eyes as she addressed Derik. "I'll finish up the paperwork in the morning."

"Get some rest," Derik replied, his voice filled with concern. "You deserve it after all of this."

"Thanks, Derik." She gave him a small, tired smile before turning away and walking to her car.


Morgan's exhaustion weighed heavily on her shoulders as she drove through the dark streets of Dallas, the city lights casting eerie shadows around her. She couldn't help but mull over the evening's events—the fear she had felt for Derik, the adrenaline that coursed through her veins when they faced Calvin together, and the undeniable bond they still shared despite everything. It was a lot to process, and she knew sleep wouldn't come easily tonight.

As she pulled into her driveway, the familiar sight of her small house offered her a measure of comfort. The night was quiet, save for the distant hum of traffic and the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind. With a sigh, Morgan stepped out of the car and locked it behind her.

Upon entering her home, she tossed her keys onto the table by the door. Normally, Skunk, her loyal Pitbull, would be there to greet her with a wagging tail and an enthusiastic bark, but tonight, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Skunk? Where are you, buddy?" she called out, her voice betraying her growing concern. She walked further into the house, her footsteps echoing in the silence. "Skunk, come here!"

The lack of response from her beloved dog sent a chill down her spine. Her heart raced as she thought of the worst-case scenarios—had someone broken in while she was gone? Was Skunk hurt or worse?

"Skunk!" she yelled again, her voice cracking with emotion.

As she continued to search her home, the weight of the day's events grew heavier on her shoulders. The fear for Derik, the confrontation with Calvin, her own vulnerability—all of it swirled together in a storm of emotions that threatened to bring her to her knees. She was sure Skunk was around here somewhere, but she needed to see him now.

Morgan fought to remain focused as she searched for Skunk, refusing to succumb to despair just yet. She knew she couldn't afford to lose him—not now, not after everything they had been through together. And as she continued to call his name into the darkness, Morgan Cross vowed to herself that she would find her dog, no matter what it took.

Morgan's heart raced as she paced through the dimly lit rooms of her house, her eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of her missing dog. The usually comforting sound of Skunk's claws clicking on the hardwood floor was conspicuously absent, and with each empty room she checked, her anxiety grew.

"Skunk!" she called again, desperate for a response. "Come on, buddy. Where are you?"

Still, there was no answer. Her hands trembled as she pushed open the door to her bedroom, but it too was empty. A feeling of dread settled over her, making it hard to breathe.

"Damn it," she whispered, trying to keep her emotions in check. She forced herself to focus, remembering her years of training and experience. Something was off, and she needed to find out what.

As Morgan entered the living room, she froze. There, lying on her coffee table, was a small white envelope. It looked almost innocent, but her instincts screamed that this was anything but.

With hands shaking, she picked up the envelope and carefully opened it. Inside was a single sheet of paper, covered in neat, bold handwriting. As she read the words, her blood ran cold.

"Hello, Morgan," the note began. "It's time for you to go on a treasure hunt. If you try to call the police or tell Derik, you'll never see your dog again. You must come alone."

"Thomas," she breathed the name like a curse, her heart pounding in her chest. How had he found her? How had he gotten so close without her knowing?

Think, Morgan, she urged herself, her mind racing. She couldn't involve the police or Derik, not if she wanted to save Skunk. But going after Thomas alone was dangerous—she knew all too well how cunning and ruthless he could be.

"Okay," she whispered, steeling her resolve. "I'll find you, Thomas. And I'll find Skunk."

Closing her eyes for a moment, Morgan took a deep breath and tried to focus. She had been through worse—she had survived prison, betrayal, and heartache. This was just another challenge to overcome.

"Alright, Thomas," she said, determination settling in as she gripped the note in her hand. "Let's play your game."
