Page 8 of For Now

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Morgan nodded, her thoughts whirling. The revelation of a corrupt dentist was a new angle to the case, and she knew they had to follow up on it. Morgan mentally filed away the information, her investigative instincts buzzing with renewed energy. As much as she wanted to delve deeper into this lead, she was aware that Derik and Jennifer were still in the room, watching her closely.

She forced herself to take a deep breath, to appear calm and collected. Jennifer deserved answers, but Morgan couldn't risk sharing her suspicions just yet.

"Jennifer, we're going to get police and forensics in here," Morgan said. "It might be a good idea if you go elsewhere right now."

Jennifer nodded, her eyes still puffy from crying. "Okay, I understand. Please let me know if you find anything."

"We will," Derik assured her, standing up to escort her out of the house. "Thank you for your cooperation, Jennifer."

Morgan watched them leave before turning her attention back to the room. She scanned the photographs on the wall, her gaze lingering on a family portrait taken ten years ago. Mary looked happy in the photo, surrounded by her children and grandchildren. Morgan wondered how things had turned out so differently, how Mary had ended up alone in this house with no one to protect her.

She supposed it didn't matter now. She needed to get forensics in here, so she took out her phone, preparing to make a few calls.


By the time Derik came back in side, Morgan had forensics on their way and Mueller fully informed over what had happened here. Morgan turned to him as he came in, anxiety clawing at her chest.

"Forensics are on their way," she said. "Derik, I need to look for this Lorenzo guy."

"I agree, but I think we're leaving this thing with Jennifer's father out too easily," Derik said. "I get he's old and possibly sick, but the history of abuse is worth looking into. I want to find out if the guy is even still alive."

"Well, can you at least drive Skunk and I back to my car?" Morgan asked, her impatience growing. "I need to start researching this dentist, and I can't do that from here."

Derik nodded, his expression serious. "Of course, Morgan. But don't forget that we also need to look into Mary's ex-husband. It's possible that he's still alive and seeking revenge. Maybe this whole cancer and sickness thing was just a clever cover-up."

Morgan bit her lip, her mind racing with all the different possibilities. As it was in every case, it seemed like every time they found a new lead, two more cropped up in its place. But she wasn't about to give up. Not when the answers to Mary's death were so close.


Morgan sat in her car, the laptop's screen casting a bluish glow on her face as she typed with one hand. Skunk rested his head on her thigh, his eyes half-closed as he watched her work. Morgan's fingers flew across the keyboard, pulling up information about Amos Lorenzo – the dentist whose practice had gone under after he botched several patients, even disfiguring one of their jaws.

According to Mary's daughter, Mary had once been a patient of Amos, making him Morgan's top suspect. The detail about the teeth was far too specific to fly under Morgan's radar; as compelling as the husband theory was, Morgan had a feeling there was a lot more at play here. Pulling out someone's teeth, only to crudely shove them back into the gums... this was no ordinary murder. Morgan was sure of it.

And most of all, she was sure another body would drop soon. Unless she could stop it.

"Alright, Skunk," Morgan mumbled, scrolling through the information on her laptop, "let's see what we can find on our Mr. Lorenzo." The dog raised his eyebrows but remained silent, his wise brown eyes watching her intently.

She found Lorenzo's file, which showed no criminal record. However, there were a number of lawsuits from dental patients that had left him bankrupt. His practice had been shut down several years ago, and his possessions were repossessed. Oddly enough, the building where his practice had been located had never been sold.

Morgan's jaw clenched as she read further. She could feel the weight of her past pressing down on her – the ten years she'd spent in prison for a murder she didn't commit. It had hardened her, made her more determined than ever to bring criminals to justice and protect the innocent.

"Seems like our guy has had a pretty rough time since his practice closed," she said to Skunk, scratching behind his ear. "But is he capable of murder? That's what we need to find out."

As she stared at the laptop screen, her thoughts raced. Could this man, who had already caused so much pain and suffering to his patients, be responsible for something as gruesome as Mary Jenkins' murder? And if so, why? What would drive him to do such a thing? And why Mary, specifically?

Morgan leaned back in her seat, her mind racing as she considered the different possibilities. She knew that the key to solving the case lay in the details, and she was determined to uncover them all.

As she sat there, lost in thought, her phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was Derik. She had to admit, it'd be easier if it was the husband--but her line of work was rarely easy.

"Hey," she answered, her voice strained with anticipation. "You have anything?"

He sighed. "Mary's ex-husband, John, died a week ago. I confirmed it. He couldn't have killed her."

Morgan's heart sank at the news. A part of her had hoped that John was responsible for Mary's murder, as it would have been a simpler explanation. But now, her gut feeling about Lorenzo was validated.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know," she said, trying to hide her disappointment. "I've been looking into Dr. Lorenzo. I found out that he used to be a dentist, but he's been bankrupt for years. His practice was shut down, but the building is still standing. I'm gonna check it out."

"Alone? Morgan, hold up, I can come with you."
