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My phone rings and the caller ID on my screen shows it’s Billy. This is a call I don’t think I want to answer. However, he could have news about our son. So, I press the call button and wait for any news.

“Where’s our son, Billy?” I answer the phone, terror filling my voice as fear consumes me.

“I’m still not certain so I don’t want to give you any details and get your hopes up for no reason. Where are you?” he questions me as if also knows the answer already.

“I’m driving around town. I want to do my part, Billy. If you can’t accept that, then I don’t know what to tell you,” I tell him, not hiding the truth from him.

“Calla, I can’t be out here trying to get our son back and worry about you. You should be at the clubhouse instead of knowing you’re out driving around town,” Billy says, his voice cold as fuck. He’s in full club member mode right now.

“Billy, please don’t take this away from me. I want to help any way I can and there’s nothing you can say or do to make me stop. This is all happening because of me. I’m the reason our son isn’t in my house right this second. Or at the clubhouse with you. If I had just called you after what happened this afternoon, I should have sent Zane to stay the night with you or had you come to the house to stay with him. I’m just so scared of what he’s gonna do and how far he’s going to take things that our son is now paying the price for my actions,” I tell Billy, guilt eating away at me like never before.

Billy doesn’t say anything for a minute. The line is absolutely silent and if I weren’t seeing the call still on the screen of my car, I’d think Billy hung up on me. Still, I don’t say anything. He needs to process what I’ve told him and get his head wrapped around it before he’ll say anything to me.

“Calla, I really want to know what happened to you. What your father has done to you. Not just today but over the years when you thought you couldn’t confide in me,” Billy finally says, his voice softer and warmer than I’ve heard in a long time.

“We’ll talk about it sooner or later. I knew you weren’t gonna be happy with the half-truths I gave you just a few days ago. God, it feels as if that was months ago instead of just a few days. Billy, bring our son home. That’s all I want right now,” I plead with him.

“I’m gonna bring him home, baby. I just need you to get somewhere safe so I’m not worryin’ about you too. If I think you’re still out there then I can’t put all of my focus on gettin’ Zane away from your sick fuck of a father. You have to know, Calla, I’m gonna kill him. I’m gonna take his fuckin’ life for what he’s done. Not just with takin’ our son, but to you, your mom, and to me. He’s ruined all of our lives because of his own selfish reasons. Now, please, go to the clubhouse.”

“I’m not wanted there, Billy. It’s been made clear I don’t belong and I never will. That’s your life. One you’ll share with Zane. And that’s okay. I don’t need to insert myself in your world, Billy. It’s one you’ve been working on living for years. All I’ve done is disappeared and taken so much from you. More than I ever wanted to,” I state as I realize I’m speaking the truth.

There’s no guarantee that I’m going to ever be more to Billy than Zane’s mom. It’s a fact I have to face and deal with now before anything else happens. I need to move forward with my life and understand that this is just one more consequence to the decisions I’ve made. Tears slide down my face for everything I’m losing. Not just for me, but for everyone I’ve ever loved. The greatest loss is my mom. She was killed way too young and there wasn’t anything I could do to stop my father from taking her life. Now, he’s got my son and I’m about to lose even more than ever before. There’s a huge difference between my mom and my son. I love them both with all of my heart and soul. My mom had her life, even if it was a shitty one because of my father. Zane is so fucking young and there’s nothing I won’t do to ensure that will continue happening.

“Billy, I have to call you back. There’s something I need to do,” I tell him, an idea forming in my mind about how to save Zane.

“You’re not givin’ yourself up, baby. We are hopefully so close to him and it’s only a few minutes before I have him in my arms. Go to the clubhouse and I’ll meet you there. With Zane. You are more than welcome there, Calla. Lash has made it perfectly clear that you’re not only a passing phase in my life. You’re gonna be around no matter what happens between the two of us. Zane will always be welcome at the clubhouse and you will too. The ol’ ladies are there waitin’ for you, baby. They’ll welcome you with open arms,” Billy assures me as I try to figure out what to do. “Call me when you get there and realize that I’m not gonna focus until I know you there. You don’t want me to make a mistake when it comes to our son, do you?”

Billy’s playing dirty right now. He knows I won’t risk Zane for anything. If it means going to the clubhouse so Billy can focus, that’s what I’ll do. Telling him I’m heading there, I turn the car around and hang up the phone so he can figure out what to do to bring Zane home to us. Now, I need to let him do his thing and realize he won’t send me somewhere I’ll be hurt or anything despite everything I’ve put him through. I pull in and park close to the gate so I’m not in anyone’s way. Billy isn’t here to direct me this time and I’m on my own. To say I’m nervous would be an understatement. It doesn’t overrule the fear for Zane, but it’s there all the same.

Chapter Nine

EVERYONE IS SURROUNDING the house and we’re waiting on Lash’s count to go in. I had to talk to Calla before we went in just to hear her voice and know that she’s safe and sound while I get our son back. Knowing she’s out driving around when she should be safely closed behind the gate of the compound is fucking with my head. My only hope is that she listens to me and heads to the clubhouse. The ol’ ladies are there waiting for her and they will welcome her this time. I don’t know what the hell they’ll do, but I do know everything will work out. No matter what, Calla will be around the clubhouse and will be a part of my life whether we’re together or not. Zane connects us in ways I’ll never be connected to another woman.

Zeus has flown a drone over the house and there is movement inside. It made my heart soar to think we might be this close to the little boy who has already captured my heart. There are dark curtains covering the windows so we can’t really see exactly who’s inside the house, but there’s more than one person inside. That’s a good sign in my eyes because it means that Calla’s father is more than likely here instead of anywhere else in town. He’s too cocky and wouldn’t believe we’d find any other properties in his name. The dumb shit should have used Calla or his wife’s name if he wanted to stay hidden. That’s how the stupid fucks always fall. They get too cocky and believe they’re untouchable.

“Three. Two. One,” Lash counts down before booting in the door.

The second he kicks the door open, Lash drops down and a bullet comes flying our way. We all duck out of the way and keep our own guns at the ready. With a path cleared on either side of the door, I rush inside to find Calla’s father and two other men standing in front of him. I can’t stop the laughter from spilling out. The man is such a coward he can’t fucking fight his own battles. Instead, he’s going to hide between two men who probably have no clue why they’re fighting this battle for him. He doesn’t seem like the type of man to tell anyone the truth for any reason.

“Ah, the man my whore of a daughter can’t seem to leave alone,” her father sneers while my brother finally make their way inside and stand at my back.

“I am the man your daughter can’t leave alone. However, she’s no whore. I can guarantee you that I’m the only man she’s ever been with. And that’s includin’ the time she spent hidin’ from your abusive ass,” I return, my voice deadly cold as I don’t take my eyes off the stupid fuck in front of me.

“If she had fucking listened to me, I wouldn’t have to beat the absolute shit out of her. I take it you haven’t seen her latest beating though. Or you just don’t give a fuck about her like I’ve always suspected,” the man I’m going to fucking kill informs me with a menacing smile on his face.

“You beat the shit out of her before stealin’ our son from his own bed? What kind of fuckin’ asswipe are you? You’re supposed to fuckin’ love your daughter and protect her from everythin’. I just met my fuckin’ son and know I’d give my fuckin’ life for him. I wouldn’t ever raise a hand to him in anger or berate him. I sure as fuck would never tell him to make his girl get an abortion if she got pregnant either. I don’t know everythin’ you’ve done to Calla over the years, but I know she’s fuckin’ suffered at your hands. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. She ran and hid for seven fuckin’ years because of you. Now, you’re gonna fuckin’ know exactly how it feels to be scared and feel the pain you should never feel,” I promise the son of a bitch who has hurt Calla and my boy for the last time.

Raising my hand, I quickly take out the two men standing guard over the dumb fuck. He doesn’t even have time to blink before he’s covered in their blood and they’re dropping to the ground at his feet. Calla’s father finally looks at me and his eyes are wide and unblinking.

“You can’t do that,” he stammers, his voice showing the level of fear he’s feeling right now.

“Obviously I can since I just did. Don’t have any more men here to protect your cowardly ass?” I taunt him knowing he should be alone now.

He turns to flee but at the last second changes his mind. Turning back to face me, he smiles and I know he’s going to piss me the fuck off with the next words out of his mouth.

“You know, if you kill me, you’ll never find the boy,” he taunts me, his voice getting stronger with his belief that he’s got something to hold over my head.

“I think there’s more than enough men here to ensure we find my son,” I state, turning to look at Lash who gives a nod to everyone.
