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Leaning down, I kiss my wife while moving faster and swiveling my hips every single time I push back in her pussy as deep as I can get. Calla’s body is shaking beneath mine and I know she’s getting close to her release again. This time, she’s gonna pull me right over the edge with her. The telltale tingling in my spine starts and I know this isn’t gonna last much longer.

“You need to get there, baby. I’m so fuckin’ close,” I manage to grit out as I pound into my wife even harder and faster than I was before.

“I’m right there, Billy. It’s just not enough,” she tells me and I know what she needs to push her over the edge.

Reaching between our bodies, I find her clit and begin rubbing circles around it. Every single time I get closer and closer to where she needs me most. At the same time, I let my pelvis rub against her in just the way she needs to add the friction to her that she needs to find her release. When I know she can’t take much more, I pinch her clit and watch as my girl explodes. Her pussy tightens and ripples around me as I continue moving in and out of her the best I can. Calla’s pussy is like a vice as it grips down on me and doesn’t want to let me go.

“Billy!” she screams out as her entire body goes tight and her nails dig into my back. I’ve always loved when her nails dig into me because it gives me the bite of pain I need to make me follow her over the edge.

“Calla!” I yell out, my voice echoing off the walls in my room.

As my release shoots out of me, I slow my movements until I’m barely moving in and out of her. When I’m finally done, I let my body almost collapse on Calla’s. I don’t give her my full weight, but it’s enough to feel her skin against mine and have her curves pressing into my harder body. She’s soft where I’m hard and it feels better than anything else ever has. Rolling to my side, I pull Calla with me and cradle her head on my arm as I rub my arms up and down her back. I don’t give a shit that we’re both covered in sweat or that we need to take a shower after that. Right now, the only thing I care about is holding my wife and letting her know I’m not going anywhere.

“I love you, Calla Lily,” I tell her, using the old nickname I had for her.

“I love you, Billy,” she responds without hesitation, pressing a kiss against my chest.

For the next little while, we simply lay together in my bed. I let her know this is where she’ll be sleeping from now on and Zane can have the couch so we’re all in the same room together. Eventually we’ll have to figure something else out because the three of us won’t last long in this room at the clubhouse. Zane needs a house and his own room. We’re going to give him the house he deserves to live in. Even if it means we have to temporarily go back to Calla’s place. I will get a house on the compound where we’ll always be safe and protected. For now, we have to think of what we can do to make things comfortable and not make us fight or get upset because there’s no space for us.

Chapter Thirteen

WAKING UP THIS morning, I’m next to Shank in bed. He’s still asleep and laying with the sheet barely covering his body. Thankfully he put boxers and sweats on last night since we brought Zane into the room with us. I knew this was going to happen eventually, I’m just not sure if I’m ready to remain on this path with Shank. I do love him with every part of my heart and soul that’s not being taken up by Zane. Both of them own me and there’s more than enough of me to go around for the both of them. I’ve always wanted to have this man in my life and for us to get back to what we once had. Unfortunately, I don’t want him to have taken this step because of what he heard from the kitchen yesterday.

After we had sex again, Billy told me what happened. That him and Zeus watched what happened in the kitchen between that woman Precious and me. He heard everything she said, I said, and what Hartley said as well. Then they heard me talking to Hartley about why our marriage was in name only. To know people heard what I had to say is embarrassing and I don’t honestly know how the fuck I’m going to face anyone. Especially since he told me that he has to take this information to the club so they can decide what to do about the woman who managed to just walk in here as if she belonged.

They also need to decide what to do about the Prospect since he didn’t follow protocol. I’m not sure what happened or what she said to talk her way through the gate, but it’s something the club needs to figure out so no one else falls for the same sad story that she gave him. I’m kind of interested to know what she actually said. Or did. However, I know I’m more than likely not going to know what happened because it’s going to be labeled as club business. At any rate, I hope they get everything fixed and this doesn’t happen to anyone else again.

Now, my head is so fucking mixed up. Billy says he’s forgiven me but I don’t see how that can really be the truth when he was so pissed about me keeping Zane from him. That’s not just something someone gets over. Plus, neither one of us has truly talked about where we go moving forward, how we move forward, or about the changes we’ve been through over the last seven years. Billy and I are two different people. We’ve both been shaped and molded by the same person because of choices I made. There are so many things we truly need to talk about and that has to come before we do irreparable damage to any relationship we might have. Zane doesn’t need to see us fighting and at one another’s throats because we didn’t take the time to think this through fully.

Getting out of bed, I head to the bathroom that’s in Billy’s room. Our room has one too. Taking a quick shower after taking care of business, I throw on a shirt from Billy’s dresser and a pair of his boxers. I don’t really have anything else to wear because the bags I packed to bring here the night everything happened with my father beating me up and then taking our son are still at the house. I’ve been wearing clothes from the ol’ ladies, but I’m ready to be in things of my own. I’m sure Zane is too. He’s been wearing clothes belonging to the kids here in the clubhouse. While I appreciate everything the ol’ ladies and members have done for us, I’m just ready to be back in my own clothes.

Seeing Zane wake up, I grab him before he can wake Billy up and we leave the room. My car is here so we can leave. I’m not going to run or anything else because it would hurt Billy and our son more than anything else. What I’m going to do is take us home so we can get some clean clothes and then we’re gonna go out for breakfast. I just need some time to decompress and get my mind wrapped around everything that’s been going on between Billy and I. Before, we took our time and didn’t rush through anything. Now, everything seems to be happening at a fast rate and it’s more than a little overwhelming. I simply need a little bit of time and then Billy and I can move forward and have a conversation about everything.

“Mommy, where are we going?” he asks me, his voice still filled with sleep.

“We’re gonna go get some of our clothes and then we’ll head to breakfast. How does that sound, little man?” I ask him, trying to keep my voice light and cheery as I carry him out to the car.

“Can I have waffles?” he asks me, his voice becoming slightly more alert than a second ago. “And chocolate milk?”

“Yeah, Zane. You can have waffles and chocolate milk. Then maybe we’ll go to the playground for a little bit. How does that sound?”

“Can Daddy come with us?” Zane asks, looking around the common room as we make our exit.

“Daddy’s still sleeping, little man. Maybe next time he can come with us. Today it’s going to be just us for a little while. Is that okay?”


Getting Zane in his booster seat, I make sure his belt is buckled and secure before backing out of the car and closing the door. Before climbing in the driver’s seat, I take a few deep, calming breaths. Once I’m calm, I get in and pull down the visor where Shank put my keys the night we brought Zane back from the hospital. I get my seat in the right position again from Zane driving and then take off. Thankfully, I didn’t take my purse in the clubhouse with us that night because there was no reason for it. It’s perfectly safe in the car. And since I can’t work until the cast comes off, I didn’t want to leave it in our room when I wasn’t here. Not when I have the Rebels shooting glares in my direction and talking shit behind my back as if I don’t realize that’s what they’re doing.

Leaving the compound, I’m not stopped by the Prospect on the gate. Apparently I’m free to leave now that my father has been dealt with. I kind of had the idea of that being the case since Billy didn’t tell me I was to remain here or anything like that. Instead, nothing has been said about if I have to stay in the clubhouse or on the compound. So, I’m ready to get out of here for a little while after being here for weeks without leaving. Zane and I need some time away even if my son doesn’t realize that right now.

Zane and I had a really good breakfast. We know that Billy’s awake now since he called the second he realized we weren’t in the clubhouse. He’s not mad we left and headed out without him or anyone else. Though I can tell he’s annoyed that I didn’t leave him a note or send a message about leaving before we just took off. Honestly, I didn’t even think about doing it and that’s what I tell him. Now, he’s going to join us at the park so Zane can play and I guess we’re going to talk for a while.

I’m sitting on a bench watching our boy move from one part of the park to another when Billy shows up. He’s still driving his truck because it did snow a little last night. Most of the guys won’t take a chance if there’s snow on the ground. They don’t want to crash because they hit black ice or something like that. I watch him walk toward me as his eyes dart between Zane and me while also darting around the yard surrounding the playground. Billy’s always on alert and I hate that for him. However, I’m thinking there’s still a threat out there and no one knows who it is, what they want, or when they’ll come at us. Personally, I know it has to do with me, but I’m not sure why. My mom isn’t alive and now my father isn’t either. I don’t have any siblings to my knowledge and no other family left alive.

“Hey, baby. Are you okay?” Billy asks, leaning down and placing a soft kiss against my lips before taking a seat next to me and putting his eyes on Zane as he continues to play.

“I’m okay. I just got lost in my head this morning and freaked out a little. But, we do need to talk, Billy. About a lot of things,” I tell him, letting myself look in his direction instead of keeping my eyes on our son.
