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“Thanks, man,” Billy answers him, his voice wavering because the President stepped up to be there for us with everyone else instead of hiding away or making it known that he did nothing wrong in the earlier situation that took place.

It doesn’t take us long to get Zane down to the truck and loaded up in his booster seat. Someone even put a few pillows in there to ensure he’s very comfortable and the seatbelt doesn’t rub against him. Zane’s eyes are already closing as he sits up in the truck and I keep my eyes on him. I hand him back the blanket Hartley also included in the bag of his clothes. It’s one of his favorite blankets and I’m not sure how she knew that. Maybe just mother’s intuition or something like that.

Billy gets us out of the hospital parking lot before he turns to glance at me briefly.

“So, I’ve got somethin’ to tell you that’s gonna shock you and turn your world upside down. Yesterday we followed Precious to the Rowdy Shot and found her sittin’ at a table with a man. When we questioned them, it turns out Precious is here to gather information on the club and get Zane. They were gonna fuckin’ take him from us and not let him ever come back home as long as they had a say in the matter. They were gettin’ paid for that shit.

“However, they weren’t workin’ alone. Someone hired them because a woman feels entitled to our son since she gave birth to you and let you live. Or somethin’ to that extent. Your mom is alive, Calla. I saw her with my own eyes and know she’s in town. She wants to see you. I’m tellin’ you, I don’t want it to happen because I heard her spew a ton of shit she’s gonna come at you with. If I can prevent it from happenin’, then I want to. However, the decision is ultimately yours to make. I don’t want you to be upset or do anythin’ you don’t wanna do. If you don’t want to see her, then you don’t have to. But, if you feel you need that closure, then I’ll take you to see her for that. Calla, you gotta know, she sold our son to cover her own ass with some horrible people,” Billy tells me as he rests a hand on my thigh and doesn’t move it while driving us toward the clubhouse surrounded by the men of the club.

“She fuckin’ what?” I yell out, startling Zane as he sleeps in the backseat.

“She sold him. I’m not sure if you’re part of that or not, but I know he is for sure. She wants to take our boy and give him away so she doesn’t get in trouble with her dealer or a cartel or some shit like that. I honestly don’t know what the fuck to do with her. She walked out of the bar on her own and we just let her leave. Said she was stayin’ in Braedon until she got Zane and saw you,” he states, his voice washing over my numb body as rage fills me.

“The very second our son is settled into his room and I know he’s okay. I want you to take me to see that bitch. She’s not gonna get her hands on our son and I don’t owe her a fucking thing. She left me all alone with that monster. Let me believe she was fucking dead for years while I mourned the loss of her. I’m done with this shit, Billy. I want to live our lives in peace and not worry about this shit happening over and over again,” I tell him, my entire body shaking uncontrollably with this new piece of information

“Okay, Calla Lily.”

Our boy is settled in his room. Currently, Boxer and Hartley are in the room with him. they’re watching cartoons and movies while listening to him ramble on about whatever enters his mind. He woke up when Billy was carrying him in the clubhouse and hasn’t stopped talking since. Sabotage went up to see him for a little bit and then went to get the medicines he’ll need as he continues recovery at home. Knowing he’s being taken care of, Billy and I let him know we’ll be back soon and to call if he needs anything. He barely pays attention to us when he’s got Boxer and Hartley giving him their full attention. Plus, the promise of sweets, snacks, and other goodies means Billy and I don’t rate on his radar right now. My boy has a sweet tooth like me and loves his snacks.

The ride doesn’t take long. Billy drives us across town and pulls into the parking lot of a motel that’s seen better days. I’m sure my mother is loving staying here when she’s used to better things in life. At least when she was with the monster. Now it appears her life isn’t as sunshine and roses like she wanted. I guess I’m about to find out what’s going on though. Because ready or not, I’m about to face the woman I thought loved me and wanted to be here for me despite the shit the asshole put us through for so long. She took the easy way out it seems.

Billy gets out before coming around and helping me out of his truck. I wipe my hands on my jeans since they’re sweating more than usual when I’m scared and nervous. Today it’s because I’m filled with rage at the thought of a woman I loved so much could ever betray me the way she has. It looks like when it comes to the parent pool, I lost majorly and missed out by a mile. Both of them are shitty as hell and I don’t want to live with the memories of them. I want to make sure today I get the closure I deserve to have and move on without anyone from my family around moving forward.

“Zeus pulled some strings and I got her room number already. It’s right over there. We can bypass the office and head straight for her. The less people who see us here, the better it will be,” Billy tells me, his voice surrounding me like a warm blanket and keeping me safe.

We head to the room she’s staying in and Billy pounds on the door. It’s loud and I’m surprised he doesn’t crack it down the middle with how hard he’s hitting it. I hear grumbling and things falling in the room before the door’s opened. Standing before me is an older woman in nothing more than a bra and skirt that barely covers her ass. Her skin is almost a gray color and her hair is sticking up all over the place. There’s marks and bruises all over her body. This is not my mother. I mean, it is her, I can see it in the features that haven’t changed and the greasy strands of hair that always used to be so clean and shiny. Eyes stare back at me that used to mirror my own. Now hers are cold and lifeless.

“You actually had the guts to show up here,” my mother sneers, glaring at me as if I’m the one who ruined her world.

“I did. I wanted to see what a woman who supposedly died years ago looks like. It doesn’t seem as if the years have been very good to you, mother. Though, I guess you gave up that title when you let me believe you were dead, left me with the monster who beat the shit out of me on a regular basis and then made me go into hiding because he wanted to take my son from me. He wanted me to have an abortion so I went on the run for years. My son’s father didn’t know a thing about him until recently and they both missed out on being together because of him,” I say, my anger coming out in full force.

This woman actually has the balls to laugh at me. She cackles and almost falls over with the drugs or alcohol flowing through her.

“Now, you sell my son to some scumbag bitch because you can’t support your own fucking habit or whatever. You’ve never even seen my son and know nothing about him. You will never get your hands on our son and whoever you sold him to will know that the debt you created is your own. See, we have contacts with more people than you could ever know. I’m sure the idiot you sold him to is someone we know and will back out of the deal the very second they realize Zane isn’t for sale and he belongs to me,” Billy speaks up, his voice deadlier than I’ve ever heard it before. “You will pay for the shit you started because once they find out Zane is mine, you’ll have started a war between a cartel and my club. We tend to avoid that shit when we can. However, I’ll go to war in a split second if it means protectin’ my boy. Every fuckin’ member of the club will back me. Our other chapters will also support us and have our back. You won’t ever fuckin’ win this.”

“That’s what you think?” the bitch in front of us sneers. “You’re nothing more than a little bitch who took and took from me. If it weren’t for you, I’d still have my husband and none of the beatings would have happened. Neither one of us wanted you. You’re a pathetic piece of shit who owes me for keeping you alive and not getting rid of you when I wanted to. There were plenty of times I could have gotten rid of you and no one would have known. I could have played the grieving mother and shit. I’m gonna get your piece of shit son and make sure you never see him again. Well, not in person. You’ll get pictures of the hell he’s living in and shit like that. He’s nothing more than a fucking brat like you are.”

“You don’t get to talk to my fuckin’ wife like that. She has more class, heart, and love to give than you’ll ever know. My wife is pure and innocent instead of the shit stain you are. She’s raised our son on her own, taught him right from wrong, and gone out of her way to protect him from the evil of their world and the world around them. He’s so fuckin’ sweet and innocent that you won’t ever get close to taintin’ that or takin’ it from him. You didn’t do any of that shit. You left her alone with a man who enjoyed torturin’ her and beatin’ the fuck outta her. Now, you want to start a war to get yourself out of a jam you created all on your own. Fuck you! And I know what I’m sayin’ is the truth. You mean nothin’ to anyone. The only thing you do is spread your legs to earn your next fix and run up debts you’ll never be able to pay off. That’s got nothin’ to do with Calla or our son. So, I suggest you get the fuck outta here before you end up deeper than you ever imagined,” Billy warns her, his voice not losing a single bit of edge to it.

When the bitch steps up in front of Billy and attempts to run her hand down his chest, I snap. I land a punch on her nose that makes her immediately drop to the floor at our feet. She screams and yells as the blood starts pouring. Leaning down over her, I raise the hand with my cast on it and slam it against her head. All it takes is one time and she’s knocked the fuck out. I don’t honestly care if I do kill her. This woman isn’t the mom I grew up with. She’s fucking no one who matters to me and I don’t care what happens to her.

Billy makes a call to someone and has them bring a van around to load her up in. We’re not gonna let her remain free when she’s got so much hate toward myself and Zane. This is just one of the ways we’re going to protect our son. At least that’s my guess. I’m not gonna ask because it doesn’t matter to me. We wait with the bitch, who doesn’t wake up, for less than a minute or two before there’s a van pulling up behind us.

I shake out my hand because it fucking hurts now. My bones weren’t quite ready for the cast to come off at my last appointment so the doctor left it on. I just fucking used it as a weapon and now I’m paying the price for it again. Billy notices my action and shakes his head. Yeah, he knows we’ve got a trip to the doctor or hospital in our very near future. I just did more damage and I don’t know what they’ll do next. Especially since the cast already covering my arm is now cracked. Oops!

Chapter Twenty-Two

ZEUS HAS BEEN working nonstop trying to dig up everything he can about Calla’s mom. She didn’t think to change her name or anything else when she put this entire plan into place so many years ago. Apparently she really had no clue what the fuck she was doing. If Calla’s father wanted to find her at any point in time or looked into her for any reason after her ‘death’, he would have easily found her alive and living her life. I don’t even want to think about what would’ve happened if he realized she was alive and pulling one over on him. For now, I don’t really give a fuck about that though. What I want to know is who she fucking owes money to and what they plan on doing about my son. I wasn’t lying when I said I’d go to war over him because that’s my flesh and blood and no one deserves to be kept safe and protected more than my son and wife.

Lash is going to call church as soon as we know anything. Zeus will let him know when he’s done pulling everything about the bitch so we can meet and go over it. I’ve been hanging around the clubhouse with my family, just waiting for that meeting to be called. Hell, I want to be in there right now going through things and learning every piece of information about this bitch as we can. It’s the only way we can protect Zane and make sure no one, meaning my wife, does anything stupid.

Calla has been going back and forth between being filled with rage and despair at knowing her mother isn't the person she thought she was. At the end of the day, my wife’s been mourning the loss of a woman who was nothing more than a mirage. The bitch portrayed herself as she wanted others to see her. Now she’s letting her true nature out and not hiding it from the world. It’s a lot for Calla to go through and I will do everything I can to support her because that’s my job. It’s something I want to do because I love her and want her to get through this. I’ve also talked to her and learned a large part of her doesn’t believe that’s really her mother. That it’s some cruel joke someone’s playing on her. We both know that’s not the reality of the situation, but it’s part of her processing what’s going on now.

My wife and I have also talked and decided that she doesn’t want to know every detail about her mother. She wants to know the important parts and then move on with her life. I’m not going to tell her what happens to her or anything else. If I think she needs to know something, I’ll make sure she does. Calla is trying so hard to be strong about this situation but she’s going to reach her breaking point eventually and I’ll be there to pick up the pieces when it happens. Zane will too.

Zane is recovering very nicely. He’s taking less pain medicine every single day and wants to get up and do things. Our little man is getting bored being in bed all the time and wants to be around everyone else. So, we’ve started letting him go down to the common room and relaxing on one of the couches during the day. Everyone spends some time with him before starting their day or going back to work after lunch. It makes his day to know everyone is there for him. He’s full of smiles and has been coloring with the ol’ ladies. Yes, he’s talked them into getting him coloring books off the shelves and he uses markers, colored pencils, and crayons to make everyone in the club pictures. We take him to see Dr. Mason in a few days for his checkup and will hopefully get good news.

Calla also had to get a new cast on her hand. She didn’t do any further damage to it when she went off on her mother, but the cast was damaged. So, we sat in Doc’s office for a while as we waited for her to get a few minutes of free time in order to remove one cast and change it out for another one.
