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“You can’t do that! He’ll kill me!” she screams out, launching herself toward me as I step out of the way.

“We can do that. You got yourself into this mess and you’re gonna be the one to clear it up. My son will never know a vile piece of shit like you and there won’t be a second Calla ever thinks of you again. The only question I have is whether or not Calla is Big T’s kid or the asshole you were fuckin’ married to while bein’ an ol’ lady,” I state as Debbie starts laughing her ass off again.

“That’s an answer you’ll never get,” she sneers.

“It doesn’t really matter either way to me. As far as I’m concerned Calla’s sperm donor is dead and gone. She’s inherited everythin’ and you won’t be able to hurt her or our son any further. My wife won’t ever think of you again. Or the woman you pretended to be when she was little. She’ll know nothin’ but peace and safety while you rot away into nothin’ and spend the rest of your days in hell. I hope you enjoy the flames,” I tell her, turning my back on the bitch for the last time as I make my way out of the cell with everyone else.

We all head upstairs where Lash heads to his office to make the call to Antonio. He’ll let us all know what’s going on as soon as he knows. For now, I just want to find Calla and Zane and spend my time with them. I can fill Calla in on everything once our boy has gone to bed tonight. There’s no need for her to know now and have to hide her emotions in front of Zane. We don’t want this shit touching him so we’re doing everything we can to ensure it doesn’t. That means conversations at night when he’s sleeping and can’t listen in.

The three of us have been sharing a room as he recovers so that we can both keep an eye on him. We don’t want him to get sick or anything else and us not be in the room. Not that Calla and I would have been sharing a room yet. I don’t want her dealing with everything on her own either. I’m there for them and will be up with them every second they’re awake. Zane is the most important person right now and we need him to know we’re both going to take care of him no matter what he needs. Along with everyone else in the club because they’ve been right at our sides making sure he’s okay and has what he needs. We’re all family and it’s been proven daily since Zane got out of the hospital. At least to Calla. I’ve always known it.

Chapter Twenty-Three

BILLY AND I are finally on the same page with everything. It’s been three weeks since I confronted my mother and I couldn’t be happier that I did. She’s a bitch who never loved me and played a role for some sick game she was playing. I don’t know what her end game was supposed to be and it doesn’t matter at this point. All I know is she’s gone and I don’t ever have to worry about her again. I don’t know where she is or what’s being done to her, but that’s not my business. The only things I need to focus on are Billy and our son. My mother doesn’t get to take up any more space in my mind for any reason and I will never again mourn the woman who gave birth to me. She simply no longer exists.

Zane has fully recovered from his surgery. I mean he still gets a few twinges of pain and has been taking it easy still. But, he’s up moving around more and getting back to his old self. Billy and him have been spending a ton of time together around the clubhouse, at home, and anywhere else they choose to go. When they return, I’m always given a running script of what they did, saw, and how they want to take me with them the next time. Zane is always ready to tell me everything he does and I hope it remains that way forever. I want him to always know he can come to me and tell me whatever is going on in his life with no judgment from me.

Billy and I are back to sleeping in one room. He made up for the shit that happened with Precious by leaps and bounds. It also helps that I know for a fact she’s no longer anywhere near Braedon and my family. Billy got me flowers every single day, made sure I have what I want and need on a daily basis, and groveled like no one else ever could. He even sat through one chick flick after another when I was sick. Just so we could be together and he could spend time with me. When I’m not with him, he also doesn’t go to the clubhouse unless it’s for church. Then, he comes right home if I’m not there and doesn’t even have a drink with the guys. They all understand it and Lash is still trying to make up for the mess he created between the two of us.

I also let him back in because I couldn’t continue to hold a grudge against him when he was trying his hardest to get back on my good side. I’ll always believe in making him pay when he’s wrong, but it doesn’t mean I have to make him continue to pay for a mistake that was made and apologized for multiple times. So, I let him back in and we’ve more than made up for lost time. Though, we are still taking things slower than normal. It’s all about dates, spending time together as a family and alone, and getting to know one another all over again.

Today though, is a special day. It’s all about Zane as we celebrate his seventh birthday. The ol’ ladies have helped me put together an amazing party for him at the clubhouse and we’ve even made sure to make it something the guys will be okay with. Not that they’ll bitch about something for one of the kids. They always turn into big softies when it comes to any of the club’s kids and go all out for them. Even if it means the clubhouse is covered from top to bottom in pink or other girly colors. It’s definitely a sight to see. But, they don’t have to worry about that shit with Zane’s birthday.

Most everything is either black or silver. The balloons, streamers, table clothes, plates, silverware, and everything else we’ve got for decorations. Zane wants a motorcycle theme for his birthday so that’s what we went with. Even his cake fits the theme. It’s literally shaped like a motorcycle and stands up the way a real bike would. There’s a small engine somewhere on the design that actually starts up and rumbles like a bike which makes the cake even better in my opinion.

So, Billy is spending some time with our son while the ol’ ladies, Prospects, and myself decorate the common room and finish getting everything ready for the celebration. It’s still just too cold to have an outdoor party for Zane otherwise we would. However, it’s not too cold for the guys to grill out chicken, burgers, hot dogs, and sausages to go with the rest of the food we’ve all been preparing for the last few days.

Walking back into the common room, I have to stop and shake my head. The Prospects have been working on setting up the table for gifts and it’s already piled high as fuck. Everyone has gotten him multiple gifts and it’s enough to fill a second table as I stand there and watch for a few minutes. This family has gone so far beyond what Zane needs that I can’t help but laugh. It makes me think of all of his other birthdays where I could hardly afford to get him a cake let alone a gift. Now, there’s so fucking many that I don’t know where it’s all gonna go.

I also know Billy has gotten him something I’m more than likely not gonna be happy about. He’s kept it a secret and refuses to even give me a hint about what it is. I have a feeling it’s something with two wheels, an engine, and small enough for our son. While I’m not against him having something like that, I wish Billy would have talked to me about it first. Or at the very least let me tag along when he picked it out. But, I supposed he sees it as a rite of passage for him and Zane.

Clearing my head, I get back to work on decorating the common room and making sure everything is set up exactly as I want it. As soon as I’m done here, I have to get back in the kitchen to finish helping with the food for today. There’s still so much to do and not a lot of time to get it all done. Even with all of us working together I don't see it happening today. I should’ve come here yesterday to start setting everything up so it wouldn’t have been as bad today. I guess I’ll know for next time.

Zane’s party is a huge success. Billy got him here just as we finished setting out the food and making sure everything else was taken care of. The common room is full of the members of the club, ol’ ladies, and kids running around like crazy. We’ve already had our dinner and the kids are just waiting for cake. In the meantime, they’ve been snacking on other things we put out like chips and small snacks that won’t have them hyped up on sugar along with the cake.

My boy is enjoying the attention he’s getting from everyone and has made a point of spending time with everyone here since he walked through the door. It makes my heart explode to see him so damn happy and wanting to spend time with the people who are important to Billy. He loves being at the clubhouse more than almost anything else these days. Yeah, I see him becoming a member in the future for sure. I’m not even mad about it either. How can I be when I’ve finally opened myself up to let them all in. I’m not holding back any longer and don’t want to remain separate from the rest of them for my own reasons.

“Mama,” Zane calls out as he rushes up to my side.

“Yes, little man.”

“Can I open presents now?” he asks me, a large smile on his face.

“Of course,” I tell him, leading him to the tables in the corner.

Not only are there two tables of presents for him, but there’s also some on the floor in front of them. It’s gonna take him forever to get through everything. But, I know my boy will get it done and we’ll move on to the cake. That’s what he really wants and I can’t wait for him to see it. I’ve already taken so many pictures of the thing that I can fill an album just of his cake and nothing else. I’ll have to make sure I find out where Hartley got it from.

Billy and I sit down with Zane and hand him gifts as he starts shredding the paper. I barely manage to get the cards from the gifts before he’s handing the paper off to his dad who’s putting it in a garbage bag. I have him slow down enough so he can read the cards and thank whoever got him each gift. I’m not about to let him just go through everything as quick as he can and not thank everyone properly. That’s not how this works. So, Zane calms down and we start opening the cards before each gift. He gets a laugh out of them and makes sure everyone can see the awesome cards before handing them to me.

It takes Zane a while to open everything. Once he’s done, Billy stands from his seat and gathers everyone’s attention.

“Son, this isn’t the last of your gifts. I’ve got two more things for you. Your mom might hate me, but I couldn’t resist either one of them,” Billy says, sending a smirk in my direction as he walks toward the hallway where the offices are.

Boxer follows him and I keep my eyes locked on the entrance of the hall to find out what the hell I’m gonna be pissed about. Billy’s best friend walks out first. He’s got a large box in his hands and I already know whatever is inside is an animal of some kind. The box is slightly moving in Boxer’s arms. Shaking my head, I wait for him to get close before sending Zane over to meet him. Boxer sets the box down on the floor and steps back so Zane can open it. As soon as the last side is open, a puppy bounds out of the box.

It's a beautiful golden retriever puppy who goes right to Zane and tries to climb up in his arms. My son starts laughing like crazy while letting the puppy climb all over him. I can already see the two of them becoming best friends and know there’s no way I can say no to this gift. Besides, I’ve always kind of wanted a pet, but was always told no. Then, I was on the run from the monster. When I moved back here, I just didn’t have the money to not only get a pet but for everything one needs. Now, none of that’s a problem I have to worry about.

“Mama! Do you see this?” Zane shouts, excitement filling his voice as he continues to play with the puppy on the floor.
